Amy Markel  › Frisci Disc Fallasburg Fall Doubles Frenzy   September 25, 2013 at 3:43am

Will both people in the mixed division be driving on each hole and just be forced to use the man's on odd and woman's on evens first round and vice verse second round? IF NOT: With the mixed division alternating drive format how will that work for CTP holes and 50/50? Will we only get 1 try per team each round instead of 2 trys like all of the other divisons (if it is an odd hole then the men get to try 1st round and women the 2nd)? Also if we do not get to all drive on each hole both rounds that does cut the potential for an Ace for each person in 1/2 in the mixed division.

Mike Durco   September 24, 2013 at 7:58pm

Alternating Tee shot means onlt one person drives on that hole.

Mike Durco   September 24, 2013 at 8:00pm


Mike Durco   September 24, 2013 at 8:03pm

As for the CTPs: there will be dif CTPs offered for each division, so that won't be an issue. And the 50/50 CTPs are per person not per team unless you and your partner have an agreement on splitting. We are going to be doing TWO 50/50s. One on an odd numbered hole and one on and even numbered hole.

Mike Durco   September 24, 2013 at 8:07pm

For the Ace Pool: If you want in get in. If not, don't. The women have the best chance to ace even given the # of opportnities cut in half, being that you shoot from far closer on most holes. It is what it is. And this is the format we had decided upon.

Mike Durco   September 24, 2013 at 8:15pm

Although, I suppose we could have both players tee on the 50/50 holes just for the chance to win the 50/50. And still only use the players shot who is supposed to tee on that hole for the score. That seems more fair for the mixed division.