12:00 Saturday Dubs Summer 2013   June 14, 2013 at 7:45pm


All longs this week.....ace pool is $379.00........we will be at Willow this week at 12:00......hope everyone can make it out.......we will be traveling to Vienna next week to join up with Saturday Vienna Dubs and combine the ace pools and then follow up with a double points round for Second Round Vienna Dubs.....after the rounds are complete they will be having a cookout with hamburgers and sausage for $3.00 each.......if you want a side dish you need to bring your own.....pop,chips,salads etc.....

Mike Stratford   June 14, 2013 at 12:10pm

how did we skip even longs an odd shorts an go right to longs?? just curious...

Dave Lassen   June 14, 2013 at 12:22pm

Shot even longs and odd shorts on May 4th,then we went to Indy,then we had double points,then we went Vienna,then we shot odds longs and even shorts last week,longs are the next format on the schedule.