10 dollars for each new player that did not attend the big money blowout . DGB is giving the players who have already paid their 10 dollars another chance to hit the ace. Once a player has paid their 10 dollars, they are not required to pay again until the ace has been hit. Each player gets 21 throws, 5 throws at a time. There's a chance to win hundreds of dollars depending on how many ppl show. 120 feet is the shortest it gets all players start at 230 feet 7 rounds of 3 throws at the end of each round the basket gets closer and closer by 15 feet all the way to 120ft shot, 1 Basket 2 lines
Also Everyone gets 3 throws even if Someone makes it before every player gets a chance to throw. If two or more people make the ace they will have to split the money. To determine who throws in what order we will draw names from a hat. Players will have 21 Throws if no one hits the ace the money will roll over the fallowing weekend. There should always be more then $100 at every blow out so its definetly worth the drive and time to come out. This is a great oppurtunity to easily win the big bucks really fast. Also Chain gang has agreed to help me with my idea and locations may vary from salem and portland areas. this Sunday it will be at CHAMPOEG STATE PARKplease have everyone meet at hole 1 at 8am for registration. Tee off is at 9am if any questions please call Nathen Eyman or text me at 5039647340 also the bonus ace shot is still standing it is curentlyy at 80 dollars since no one hit it last sunday so that will be played as well.
10 dollars for each new player that did not attend the big money blowout . DGB is giving the players who have already paid their 10 dollars another chance to hit the ace. Once a player has paid their 10 dollars, they are not required to pay again until the ace has been hit. Each player gets 21 throws, 5 throws at a time. There's a chance to win hundreds of dollars depending on how many ppl show. 120 feet is the shortest it gets all players start at 230 feet 7 rounds of 3 throws at the end of each round the basket gets closer and closer by 15 feet all the way to 120ft shot, 1 Basket 2 lines
Also Everyone gets 3 throws even if Someone makes it before every player gets a chance to throw. If two or more people make the ace they will have to split the money. To determine who throws in what order we will draw names from a hat. Players will have 21 Throws if no one hits the ace the money will roll over the fallowing weekend. There should always be more then $100 at every blow out so its definetly worth the drive and time to come out. This is a great oppurtunity to easily win the big bucks really fast. Also Chain gang has agreed to help me with my idea and locations may vary from salem and portland areas. this Sunday it will be at CHAMPOEG STATE PARKplease have everyone meet at hole 1 at 8am for registration. Tee off is at 9am if any questions please call Nathen Eyman or text me at 5039647340 also the bonus ace shot is still standing it is curentlyy at 80 dollars since no one hit it last sunday so that will be played as well.