Its defently moving slow. Currently waiting on a grant to fund the baskets and when I get word of that I'll post it. I know Brian has reached out to John Borelli to pick his brain about the layout and as soon as that is all finished and we have some cash for baskets the real work will start. Right now there are 9 holes with half(some more) cleared fairways with buckets as targets. There is no map but there are tee boxes for 8 of the 9 holes. Have you been to check it out at all?
Its defently moving slow. Currently waiting on a grant to fund the baskets and when I get word of that I'll post it. I know Brian has reached out to John Borelli to pick his brain about the layout and as soon as that is all finished and we have some cash for baskets the real work will start. Right now there are 9 holes with half(some more) cleared fairways with buckets as targets. There is no map but there are tee boxes for 8 of the 9 holes. Have you been to check it out at all?