Two Rivers Disc Golf Club   January 9, 2011 at 3:15am

Work party successful!

Well today felt like we got some real work done. I bought a 32-inch crowbar for cleaning out the alt. pin placement anchors. All 20 alternate pin spots are finally cleaned out and marked. Now to get those stubborn locks off of 5 and 9. We also took 10's basket and moved it to new 4. A picture of the current lay out is here -

We also used temporary flags to mark all tee spots and pin spots for the new layout. Next week we have a walk through with the parks guy so it's nice to have it marked out to wrap your brain around. Next weekend's agenda is definitely going to involved a new pin spot for 1 so that we can implement the new 2 and finally have 9 on one side and 9 on the other. That looks like this -

For 1/15/11
1. New pin placement for Hole 1
2. Move and plant sign for 2
3. Plant sign for 4
4. Remove old locks from 6 & 13 an replace
5. Play through new layout and address any issues