Bob Mob Pro/Am Random Dubs   May 12, 2011 at 2:11am

More League Sponsors

Maple Valley Plastics, makers of Brian V.'s infamous pink ION, has for the 2nd year in row now donated some plastic to the Bob Mob. We have just received a box of MVP's new disc the VECTOR, an overstable mid-range driver. Look for them as CTP prizes soon. We also have some Northsman drivers from Westside Discs, a new golf disc manufacturer in Europe, and i must say they're pretty stable. Mike Phillips won one on Monday ask him about it. Innova sent us a stack of scorecards, so no more searching, and some stickers & super shammy's, I use one and I love it, it even works when its
As you can see we have a ton of awesome swag to win, so get up and get down to RoMo, Mondays 5:45.
And if you see Christina tell her good job getting some sponsors.