thanks to everyone who helped out- glane at registration, abee and rooster with scoring, mark, melissa and brandon for grilling, mark ellis for volunteering for the cali spot, charlie, bee and detroit beer co for the kegs, ian drukis for the scoreboard, everyone who brought grills. without everyone who chipped in and helped out, this never would have happened. thanks.
Daemon Stahlin › Memorial Day Dubs 5/25 May 26, 2009 at 6:56pm
thanks to everyone who helped out- glane at registration, abee and rooster with scoring, mark, melissa and brandon for grilling, mark ellis for volunteering for the cali spot, charlie, bee and detroit beer co for the kegs, ian drukis for the scoreboard, everyone who brought grills. without everyone who chipped in and helped out, this never would have happened. thanks.