Wes Bevis  › 7th Annual Josie’s Journey Open Supported by Innova and Kasey Butler with Long Lewis   August 30 at 12:24pm

Good morning,

Thank you again for registering to play in our event to benefit Project Sweet Pea’s and the amazing work they do! I wanted to touch base with everyone before tomorrow morning and give you a rundown of how this will go down. For those still on the waitlist, if no one withdraws by 5:00PM today, you will be refunded shortly after that time.

Check-in will start at 7:00AM and will wrap up at 8:30AM. PLEASE BE ON TIME AND CHECKED IN BY 8:30! ALL PLAYERS will check in with me at Pavilion #2 (the one by 9's basket and 10's tee) and this is where AM's will pick up their players pack. If you missed out on the ace-pot or raffle tickets when you registered, you will be able to get in on the action at check in. Cash only! We have some great prizes including a brand-new MVP Black Hole basket, gift cards, discs, hats, and more accessories! We will have a brief players meeting at 8:40AM at the same pavilion you checked in at and we’ll tee-off for round 1 shortly after. After the last card has been submitted for round 1, we will break for at least 1 hour for lunch, then tee-off for round 2. The tee-time for round 2 will be announced via the event page on PDGA’s website (link posted below). Shortly after the conclusion of round 2, we will do a short awards ceremony and the raffle drawing.

We will be using PDGA Live scoring, which you can access by visiting pdga.com/score on your phone's browser or on the PDGA app. Everyone on the card must keep score. Paper scorecards will be available if that is what you prefer. PDGA Live Access Code: JJO.

I will have hole assignments posted by this evening after the field is finalized. You can view those, when they are posted, at the link below.

It's going to be a great day of disc golf for a great cause! Looking forward to seeing everyone!

