As an unrated as of yet PDGA member can I resister for Purple
No you will have to play MA4. But the good thing is after this tournament you will have a rating!
How when PDGA states no rating is the same as 800 and below
He's doing a protected rated division. That's why anyone without a rating can play MA4
Jeremy is that Purple or MA4 he has both sorry I'm Confuzzled
You'll sign up for MA4 bc you don't have a rating yet. Purple is for people with a rating and is under 800
okay thanks buddy I appreciate your help man. see you soon
No you will have to play MA4. But the good thing is after this tournament you will have a rating!
How when PDGA states no rating is the same as 800 and below
He's doing a protected rated division. That's why anyone without a rating can play MA4
Jeremy is that Purple or MA4 he has both sorry I'm Confuzzled
You'll sign up for MA4 bc you don't have a rating yet. Purple is for people with a rating and is under 800
okay thanks buddy I appreciate your help man. see you soon