Timothy “Tito” McGowan  › Scarboro Chillz Ice Bowl Presented by Innova Discs   February 4 at 9:07pm

For short to long are we shooting B or C basket?

Corey Sargent   February 5 at 11:39am

Hey Tim we will be playing Long baskets 1 - B 2 - C 3 B 4-C 5 B - 6 - B 7-C 8 - B 9 - C 10 - B 11- B 12 - B 13 Short/Short 14 Short/Short 15 - B 16 - B 17 - B 18 - B

Timothy “Tito” McGowan   February 5 at 6:26pm

Cool thx brother

Corey Sargent   February 5 at 8:30pm

no worries man short to short for round 2