Rick Petrie  › Kevin Zane   March 5, 2012 at 8:52am

Ahh it's been fun getting to know you.

Seems like just a couple month ago when I saw your review of Warner Park on discgolfcoursereview You were the first person to review it & I thought "I wonder where this kevinmzane guy lives?". Then just a a few months later I got a message from you about joining that year's bag tag league...

Regarding the future, I am serious about playing in Georgia sometime. I've always been curious about the PDGA International Center ( http://www.pdga.com/IDGC ), and of course it would be very cool to play those three course (especially the Warner course. Ha). So maybe I'll pull together a DFOK road trip group to come visit you next year sometime.

Best of luck to you & Lisa in Georgia.