MDDGL Big $$$ doubles

April - October 2018 • Troy, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of October 8
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 3, 2018 · Top scores
Firefighters Park
Regular tees, 18 holes
-18 36
Ziggy Bierekoven
Josh Schulte
-13 41
Daymon Pugh
Bob Barker
-13 41
Calvin Harris
Tom Carpenter
-13 41
Jason Flowers
Corey Selig
Overall standings
1Daymon Pugh115
2Brian Hurley98
3Josh Schulte92
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/8/18

About this League

Doubles league - 140 all-time players - 0 active players
$25.00 one-time player fee for this league
$6.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
Random draw doubles league with payouts going to the top three scores( ctp for any ties) $5 goes to payouts, $1 goes to payout pot at the end of the year for the top 10 in points! $2 ace pool $2 50/50 ctp $1 merch ctp(free to members)
Optional membership fee of $25 which gets you a disc and shirt at the end of the season. Merch ctp is free all year. And 100% payout for the ace pool, 50% for non members

League News

Louis Caponi WPD   October 9, 2018 at 3:42am

BIG $$$$$ DUbs indeed.....

So this is our last week of the year, and also a record in money passed out in one night!
The top ten are set and so are the payouts.($1,345)
Pew pew $445
Hurley $200
Chef $150
Miyagi $100
J Flows $100
Alec $100
Cookie Monster $75
Corey $75
Zig $50
Teach $50

There will be cash givin away on nine different holes as ctp’s or longest putts!! Totaling $550+
50/50 ctp(100%) on hole 8
Members only ctp $50 on hole 2
Members only ctp $50 on hole 7
Members only ctp $100 on hole ... more

2 J   October 9, 2018 at 1:06pm

Awesome job Lou

Louis Caponi WPD   October 10, 2018 at 2:30am

Thank you deuce

Brian “Teach” Fahnestock   October 10, 2018 at 5:14pm

You rock! Thx for all your hard work.

Louis Caponi WPD   October 8, 2018 at 9:35pm

Here is your 2018 top 10 money winners from big money Dubs!!

1. Daymon Pugh 115
2 Brian Hurley 98
3 Josh Schulte 92
4 Brent Moreno 89
5 Jason Flowers 86
6 Alec Kennedy 79
7 Steve Fox 76
8 Corey Selig 67
9 Ziggy Bierekoven 66
10 Brian Fahnestock 64
There was a total of $845 raised from the Payout Pot and we are adding another $500 from the membership money(after buying disc and giving some back for members only ctp/longest putt!)
Come this week, which is our last week, to receive your “hard” earned money!!
There will also be se ... more


Louis Caponi WPD   September 18, 2018 at 6:29pm

Start time

Starting tomorrow will will do last call at 5:45!!! Spread the word!!


Louis Caponi WPD   September 18, 2018 at 6:16pm

4 weeks left!!

With only 4 weeks left in league, 3 being for points!, and in honor of my son( Louis Christian Caponi) being born at 5:50 last Wednesday Sept 12th right near last call for sign up. The next two weeks in September will be double points!! That goes for any and ALL points givin out, for score (12; 10; 8; 6;4;2), for aces (20), and even for a perfect round(50!!). With returning to normal point system for the last week for points which will Be October 3rd!
The last week of league( October 10th) I w ... more


Louis Caponi WPD   September 12, 2018 at 6:50pm


I believe October 3rd will be the last week for points, so I can figure out the top ten payouts and pass them out the last week! This years payout pot should be heartier than last, because the leftover money from the membership will also be added to the pot!! So get those points while you can!!
The last week will Be October 10th! It’s still a great chance to come out and win some loot! I will have a bunch of longest putts and ctp just like last year. If you have anything to donate let me ... more


Louis Caponi WPD   September 12, 2018 at 6:42pm


I will not be at league tonight, please see Brian Hurley for sign up and payouts! Only a few weeks left for points, get em while you can!!


Louis Caponi WPD   June 20, 2018 at 1:43am

Last week to become a member

Tomorrow will be the last week you can become a member this year, I wanna try and get the discs before the season is over!
That also means if you want all the ace pool.... better be a member!


Louis Caponi WPD   May 14, 2018 at 4:14am

This week

Just a heads up that I will not be there this week, please harass John Minicuci for all your league questions and concerns ( at least for this week) and see him for sign up and payouts!!
Must be a member to receive 100% of the ace pool which is sitting at a nice $ 547 going into this week so good luck!!
You have intill the last week in June to become a member!!
Peace out!
Papa Lou


Louis Caponi WPD   March 31, 2018 at 5:49pm

Welcome back

Another season of Big $$$ doubles is upon us.... looking forward to seeing everyone out on the course. First week will be April 18th, business as usual. There is $263 carryover in the ace pool from last season and that will be available to all that show up. After the third week only members are eligible for 100 % of the ace pool.
First few weeks will be $10 all in, after that it will be $11 for nonmembers!
Maybe instead of shirts this year we can just get disc and put the rest of the money t ... more

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