Frozen Fallasburg Winter Disc League
Singles league
Mar 24, 2013 · Top scoresFallasburg Park Long tees, 18 holes | |||
-3 55 | Mike Hawley | ||
-2 56 | Jay Cole | ||
-1 57 | Jeremy Kemp |
League finale party is this Saturday, April 7. Registration for the doubles tourney starts at 9am, tee off is at 10 ($5 entry fee). Burgers, hot dogs, drinks, awards, games, and prizes after the tournament, Bring a dish to pass for lunch, See you Satirday.
If you are planning on joining the league and want a sweatshirt, they will be ordered in the beginning of January. You need to pay in full ($25) before they are ordered (by the second week of January). There may be` a couple extra sweatshirts, but the only way to guarantee that you get one is to pay before I order them. You can still join after I order the sweatshirts for $15, but you will only get the disc.
25 players came out in the cold rain and wind yesterday. You guys are troopers! (or maybe just crazy). Joe Kowalski hit the first ace of the season on #2 for $171, way to go Joe! Snows coming soon..;.get ready.
Working out at Bertha Brock on Thursday from 10-2. Probably playing a round at Fallasburg after. Let me know if anyone can go. Going on Saturday again as permitting. Breakfast at Keisers in Lowell on Saturday at 9, at Bertha by 10.
Tee off will start at noon from now on because of the time change.
Also, working out at Bertha Brock this Thursday and Saturday again if anyone can come help out. Probably about 10am-3pm each day. Were almost 1/3 of the way done already!
Work days every Saturday at Bertha Brock park in Ionia to carve and clear the course. Every league member that comes will receive a free league day, up to 3 times, or $5 off their membership dues, up to $15. Its not glamorous work, but its fun, and rewarding, and youll be able to brag to everyone that youre building a disc golf course. Meet at Kaisers in Lowell at 9 AM or at the Park at 10. I will also be going out there randomly during the week, Ill keep everyone posted when I am. Bring wor ... more
Just realized that I cant post separate scores for men and women, so your scores are based on the course par from the long pads, Im sorry (It does make you look good though). Also, for the points challenge, Ill have one trophy for the woman with the most points instead of having you guys compete against the men. Yell at me if you have any complaints or suggestions.
PS: We'll move the pad on 14 to a safer spot before winter, let me know where you want it.
Trying something new this year. You will be awarded points based on your score each week. First place will get twice the amount of points as the number of players that week, and each place after will receive 4 points less. For example, if 20 play, first place will get 40 points, 2nd will get 36, 3rd 32, and so on. The top 3 finishers at the end of the season will get trophies, and possibly other goodies.
Edit: Changed it to increments of 2 so everyone gets some points.
League starts this Sunday at 1 PM. See yall out there.
Tee off for the Hi Low doubles will be 10 am on Sunday, meet at the course between 9 and 9:30. You can bring one guest to lunch (should be done playing by 1) and please bring a dish to pass. Beverages will be provided. Skills competition after lunch, prizes for skill shots, long drive, horseshoes, and jumbo putt. Guests can participate in skills competitions. Also, if anyone has an EZ up or any kind of shelter tent please let me know....
Changing the day of the league party to Sunday April 10th instead of the 9th. Also, changing the number of weeks you need to play from 4 to 3 for the doubles tourney.
There was a question about this today, so Ill clarify: If you can not find your disc in the snow, the group/card designates where they believe your lie is/should be, and you shoot from said spot with NO penalty. A lost disc in the winter doesnt necessarily mean it was a bad shot, therefore should not be penalized. Doesnt apply when the snow is gone.
One more thing: I am tentatively planning the league party/ doubles tournament for Saturday April 9, with the last league day being March 27. ...
League is still on for tomorrow. Pads are all clear (thanks to whoever did the first 12!). Snow is extreme, but its only really deep on 1 and 16-18.. Bring a sled if you have one, it will help carve a trail through the fairways and take a load off your legs. Hope to see a lot of you out there tomorrow.
Forgot to tell everyone that Im going on vacation and won't be here next Sunday. Brian will be collecting money and what not next week. Same time, same place, same everything. Thanks again for coming out and braving the cold, were growing every week. Ill see you all on the 30th.
League is starting out well. Hoping to get more and more members every week. Continue to spread the word please, the more the merrier.
Aaron Bruinsma December 23, 2012 at 2:50am
No League
League is cancelled for tomorrow Dec 23. I will not be able to make it out there. Sorry.