Fall to Spring and the White Stuff in Between

September '15 - March '16 • Adrian, Michigan
Mixed league

Ace pool

as of March 28
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Mar 27, 2016 · Top scores
Heritage Park
White Tees (B Basket Placement), 18 holes
-5 49
David Leverenz$12
-4 50
Brian Bradish
+4 58
Brian Jones
Overall standings
1David Leverenz167
2Brian Bradish95
3Brian Jones62
4Robert Petkus52
5Justin Arnett50
6Justin Green37
7Dylan Bandi29
8Ben S22
9Luke Allison19
10Lee Thomas13
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 3/28/16

About this League

Mixed league - 25 all-time players - 0 active players
$4.00 player fee each session
$1.00 ace pool entry
Mixed format doubles league with each week being played from a different tee location. Rotation is Red,White,Blue tees with the fourth week being voted on and being played either by worst shot,alternate shot or cali round, tees to be played will be voted on as well. Entry fee is $4 and $1 for the ace{optional}. There is also 2 optional $1 ctps.

League News

David Leverenz   March 29, 2016 at 1:22am

Seasons End

Thanks to all that came out for this past fall/winter season. With no one hitting the ace we will be donating the proceeds of it to course improvement(Sleeves for alternate pin placement) as discussed prior to the end of the season. Thanks again for coming out!


David Leverenz   March 7, 2016 at 5:54pm

3 rounds

Only 3 rounds left till our winter league is finished. So pay no attention to the fact that i said last week was our last round. I misread the schedule.


David Leverenz   October 25, 2015 at 6:02am

Wont be out......

I wont be out to run doubles tomorrow the 25th,camping with the family. If enough people show up tomorrow to play just pm or text me before the round so i know who is out and then after for the scores and i will post them.Thanks!

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