Dynamic Discs Presents: The 2012 Drake's Bag Tag Challenge
Bag Tag league
Tag | Player |
#1 | Michael Hoffman |
#2 | Alex Callis |
#3 | Casey Whitaker |
#4 | Ryan Dickerson |
#5 | Russell Hammond |
#6 | Justin Kreutzer |
#7 | D.J. Wix |
#8 | Zach Bowman |
#9 | Big Andy Garrett |
#10 | Adam Drake |
Hey guys! I know Adam and I have been kinda absent this month with a lot going on. I finally updated the tags on here. If your tag is incorrect please let me know what number you have so I can fix it. Also, the next bag tag is going to be June 30th! Sorry for short notice but this is the only thing I could get. Adam and I will both be working and we are having someone fill in for us. The event will be at Sanders Ferry! Will post the time for sure tomorrow gotta get the final word.
Next bag tag is at Cedars of Lebanon on May 20th at 4:00pm. I pushed the time back a little bit so everyone who goes to Church should have plenty of time to get out there. See you out there!
Our next monthly is going to be on April 22nd at 3:00pm at Two Rivers Park! Come out and join us! It's going to be fun. $60 is DD vouchers is up for grabs. Had a great time at Linden's tournament! Tags will be up at Crosstown Open, BG Am's, and any other events before the monthly as well. See you guys on the course!
Hey guys, don't forget about Saturday. Tags are up for Linden's tournament, along with the $60 in DD vouchers. This Saturday we will be paying out the top 6. The top 6 will get $10 a piece. So, everyone has a better chance of winning. Also, if you want to play for tags and vouchers you have to be signed up for Linden's tournament. See you guys Saturday! Looking forward to it!
Hey guys, the fundraiser discs came in this week! We have champion glow firebirds and leopards with our stamp on them and we are selling them for $20 a piece. ALL the money from the discs sells is going back into the pot for payouts for the final bag tag for the year! We will have a little area set up tomorrow at the Ice Bowl where you can turn in your tags for the day and also buy a disc if you would like. They are pretty sweet! See most of you guys tomorrow!
We are playing at H.V. Griffin on the 18th of February at noon (this Saturday). For those who want to carpool we will meet at the Home Depot parking lot of 24 and bell road at 10am. We will leave you if you are late! We are starting the round at Noon. So, if you want to just meet us at the course you are welcome to it. It's gonna be a fun time and weather is suppose to be nice! Looking forward to it guys! We will play divisions if there are at least 6 people in each division. There w ... more
Hey guys! Again I just want to say thanks for the big turn out to the first monthly. For Feb we are playing HV Griffin on the 18th. We will be car pooling down if anyone wants a ride. Info on the location is on the talk board. Make sure you bring your $2 for the ace pot due to so many possible ace runs out there. Also, Adam and I have decided we are going to split into two divisions for the monthly. We will have an advanced division and a beginner division. A good rule of thumb for these is most ... more
Hey guys just wanted to say we are really looking forward to this year. Also I just wanted to add on to Adam's post: he mentioned we are playing the red tee's but forgot to mention the park. We are going to be at Crockett Park. (thanks for pointing that out Brent) Tell everyone and we look to keep adding people to the tag each event. Adam also mentioned that Williamson County Disc Golf club will have their tags too, so bring a little extra money. This year we are really looking to grow ... more
I am proud to announce our first Bag Tag Challenge is Sunday afternoon January 29th. We will be teaming up with Williamson County Disc Gold club and we will be playing for their tags as well. So, if you are interested in joining their tag then you can join up that day and be playing for both tags! Since it is going to be cold we are playing from the red tee's so we can have some better scores. We are meeting at 1:40pm and tee off is at 2pm. There will be a top 3 payout for the first th ... more
Event 6 Update
Ok guys, this Saturday Sanders Ferry at 5! I pushed it back just a little bit because its supposed to be so hot. Playing later will let the temp drop just a little bit to where it wont be bad and that way more people can make it on this short notice. Please spread the word. I get off work at 4 so will rush as fast as i can to the course. Meet at hole one and around the practice basket. See you guys then!