Downriver Glow Random Dubz

September '24 - March '25 • Taylor, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool #2Backup ace pot

as of February 6

Ace poolNew pot

as of February 6

Next league day

Tuesday, February 25 @ 6:00pm
Boardman Park
Taylor, MI


Feb 4, 2025 · Top scores
Boardman Park
The Hill
The hill, even longs X2 , 18 holes
-12 44
Marty Peters
Max burkett
-11 45
Andrew Frescoln
Eli riddle
-7 49
Robert York
Jeff Gorka
-7 49
Matt Sennett
Jeran Sennett
-7 49
Ryan Bottorff
Scott Semposki
Overall standings
1Ryan Bottorff236
2Brett Marchel229
3Jeran Sennett214
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 2/6/25

About this League

Doubles league - 52 all-time players - 19 active players
$25.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$2.00 ace pool entry
GLOW IS BACK! Once again we we are pleased to announce our Down River Glow Random Dubz season Presented by Saggy Britches Disc Golf Club. Tuesdays weekly at the Hill in Taylor. Meet at the pavilion. 18 holes random draw, best shot doubles format! check in - 5:15-5:45 p.m. Roll call @ 5:55 p.m. * It will be mostly daylight for the beginning of our season and transition into full glow once the time changes Per weekly round- $7 non-members $5 Members (100% go to payouts) $3 - CTP b ...
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League News

Travis Wilson   1 day ago

Too cold

League in cancelled tonight 2/18. Stay warm and we will be back at it next Tuesday!


Travis Wilson   January 20 at 2:44pm

League cancelled for 1/21

There is no league tomorrow due to the extreme cold weather!


Travis Wilson   January 15 at 6:26pm

Last few weeks update

I have updated the leaderboards through our current 18 weeks of league. Also ace pool has been updated. Sorry took so long fellas. Keep on slinging see ya next league round.... ALSO WEATHER IS NOW LOOKING SO GOOD FOR NEXT TUESDAY( -20 WITH WIND CHILL). UNLESS IT CHANGES EXPECT THE ROUND TO BE CANCELED FOR 1/21. I WILL NOT RISK SOMEONE GETTING HURT NOR RISK OUR PRECIOUS PLASTIC!!


Travis Wilson   January 7 at 5:47pm


I Hope everyone had a great new years! League starts back up tonight 1/7. Hope to see you there, it's glow time!!


Travis Wilson   December 31 at 2:15pm

Tonight round canceled 12/31

There will be no league round tonight, unfortunately the rain isn't going to let up all day... So enjoy your new years eve and see you all next Tuesday


Travis Wilson   December 17 at 2:00pm

Week 15

Matt Donofrio/Jeran Sennett took it down last week shooting - 13 followed close by at -12 was Matt Sennett/Max Burkett. Congrats to the CTP winners as well u know who u are, cuz I can't remember ! See y'all tonight.



Travis Wilson   December 17 at 1:59pm

Week 14

We had a 3 way tie for 1st last Tuesday between Max Burkett/Joseph Contratto, Randall Ertman II/Andrew Frescoln & myself/Marty Peters! Marty also won the merch CTP and Joe C won the cash CTP! See y'all tonight for some more glow!!


Travis Wilson   December 3 at 1:34am

Week 13 results

Last Tuesday Matt Sennett/Jason O'Dea took it down shooting -12, followed up in a tie with -11 were Max Burkett/ Michael Orgeck & Ryan S. Bottorff / Dave Cox . CTP Ca$h winner was Jason O'Dea and CTP Merch was Randall Ertman II
Hope everyone had a good weekend and see ya tomorrow (12/3) for more glow dubs. Gonna be a cold one so bundle up!!


Travis Wilson   November 26 at 2:28pm

Week 11&12

Hey everyone, so sorry I haven't kept up on the last couple weeks of updates, I have been super busy but with that said...we are continuing great attendance and have been lucky that the weather has been on our side! Looks like another good one tonight 11/26 layout is all shorts with practice hole in play!

Shout-out to our Week 11 winners- Andrew Frescoln /Brandon Maxson & Week 12 winners Mike Kelly/Brett Marchel as well as the CTP winners! You know who u are ???? . Hope to see y'all tonight and if not enjoy the holiday!!


Travis Wilson   November 12 at 1:15pm

Week 10 results

We had a total of 19 in attendance last Tuesday... including a familiar face who made his first appearance of the season. Joseph Contratto it was great to have ya back!!

1st place: Eli Riddle & Dave Cox -8
2nd place tie: Jeff Gorka & Jason O'Dea -7
Randall Ertman II (Cali) -7
Merch CTP won by Jason
Ca$h CTP won by Eli

Tonight's (11/12) layout is short tees with PRACTICE HOLE for 9 then long tees straight up! Gonna be chilly !! See y'all tonight


Travis Wilson   November 12 at 12:59pm

Week 9 results

Last Tuesday(10/29), was the best turnout of the season yet!! WE HAD A TOTAL OF 26 PLAYERS . Y'all are awesome and I can't thank you all enough for continuing to support and grow this League

1st place: Eli Riddle & Brett Marchel -14
2nd place: Ryan S. Bottorff & Jacob Pardo -12
3rd place: Gavin King & myself ( Travis Wilson ) - 11
CTP Merch: Brett Marchel
CTP Ca$h: Kid Smith

@everyone it's going to be a gorgeous evening for glow. Tonight's layout is 18 LONGS. Check in at the pavilion @5:15-5:45. See ya there and don't forget to vote today!!


Travis Wilson   October 29 at 3:37am

Week 8 results

Week 8 results:
We had 21 in attendance including our first female of the season ! Miranda Cikalo along with her fiance, Adam Korsopp( also for the first time with us) paired up with Ryan S. Bottorff took 1st place at - 13 !! Second place shooting -12 was Dave Cox/Cody Martin . There was a tie for third between -11: Brett Marchel/ Travis Francis & Dg Mic/ Matt Donofrio

CTP winners:
Ca$h: Pat Cox
Merch Jeran Sennett

See everyone tomorrow 10/29 layout will be odd longs x2 ( play practice basket 2nd time through for hole 9)


Travis Wilson   October 22 at 12:38pm

Week 7 results

Last Tuesday we had 23 dudes come out for glow! Taking down 1st place and playing Cali was Randall Ertman II . Coming in 2nd was Brett Marchel / Pat Cox & in 3rd was (myself) Travis Wilson /Jeran Sennett!!
Jeran also won the Ca$h CTP and Dg Mic took down the Merch CTP

REMINDER... please be on time to the league, last call for check in is 5:45. Roll call & partner selection is at 5:55p.m. You must be present for both! See y'all later today!


Travis Wilson   October 15 at 12:56pm

Week 6 result's

Week 6 result's
Last Tuesday it was another solid turnout with 22 gents coming out for League! On top Shooting -12 we're Jeff Gorka & Mike Kelly, there was a tie for 2nd at -10 between Marty Peters/Jeran Sennett & Pat Cox/(myself) Travis Wilson!! Mike Kelly won the ca$h CTP and Dave Cox won the merch!

Reminder check in between 5:15-5:45 pm tonight at the Hill for random draw doubles. Tee off at 6

Tonight's Layout is EVEN LONGS!


Travis Wilson   October 2 at 12:58pm

Correction week 5

Brett Marchel won the cash CTP


Travis Wilson   October 2 at 11:26am

Week 5 results

Luck was on our side as the rain and strong winds disappeared right before tee off last night. We had 23 dudes show up for a fun night of Glow dubs!! Let's welcome our newest league members Brandon Gilliland, Nathan & Glen Hoyt!!
1st place shooting -11 was Ryan S. Bottorff & Bill Powel, right behind them at -10 there was a 4 WAY TIE for 2nd place! Matt Sennett won the $ cash CTP and Dave Cox won the merch CTP! Nice shooting fellas
Next week's layout is 9 Longs- 9 shorts enjoy the rest of the week


Travis Wilson   September 30 at 10:54am

Week 4 results

19 gentlemen showed up even during the rain and we played 18 longs last week! Gavin King & John Grylls were the top shooters at -14. Followed up with Eli Riddle playing Cali. At -11!!! Gavin also took the Merch CTP and Travis Francis won the $ CTP

Tomorrow we play 18 SHORTS and there is a slight chance of rain once again so be prepared!

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend....see y'all tomorrow check in 5:15-5:45 pm at the Hill!


Travis Wilson   September 24 at 5:46pm


League is a GO!! It will be wet but looks like the thunderstorms are gonna stay away see y'all later !


Travis Wilson   September 24 at 1:36pm

Weather tonight

Everyone be on the lookout il make a post later but weather might not be good for us later. Il make a decision closer to this afternoon!


Travis Wilson   September 18 at 6:09pm

Week 3 results

Last night was another great evening for random dubs! We had 21 gentlemen out and played even longs x2!
There was a tie for 1st at -11 between Jason O'Dea( playing cali) and Matt D'Onofrio/ Gavin King !

Shout out to Brett Marchel for donating a sweet fuse signed by Kona Panis for merch CTP that was won by John Grylls along with a glow mini and a mitten bag. Cash CTP was won by Matt Sennett! Thanks to you all for coming out and enjoy the weekend, see ya next week


Travis Wilson   September 11 at 1:09pm

Week 2 results

Once again we had a gorgeous evening for disc golf! We played Odd longs. Along with the 21 that attended league, we also had 3 new members...Jeff Frantjeskos, Matthew Tackett and Scott Floutz WELCOME !

Top 3 paid out last night
1st place: Brett Marchel & Dave Cox -12
2nd place Matthew Tackett & Jeran Sennett -8
We also had a 2 way tie for 3rd at-7
CTP Cash: Ryan S. Bottorff
CTP Merch: Michael Orgeck

Have a great rest of the week, see y'all again Tuesday at the Hill!


Travis Wilson   September 10 at 2:05am

Week 1 results

First off I would like to thank each of the 16 gentlemen that showed up for the random doubles glow league opener! Secondly, let's hear it for the 2 new members that came out Tuesday, Nickolas Camacho & Luke Korte, welcome !! It sure was a great evening for tossing some plastic and looking forward to another awesome season. See y'all next week!!

Results week 1(longs +shorts):
1st place at-10 Dave Cox and Jeff Gorka
2nd place at -9 Pat Cox and Brett Marchel
CTP merch Eli Riddle
CTP cash Dave Cox

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