DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2016/17
14 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday Nov 20th 2016 - Saturday Feb 25th 2017
************ Important date *************
December 20th 2015 - deadline for adding new leagues to the Point series.
The Disc Golf League Association (DGLA) is proud to bring you the 7th annual, Ohio Cooperative Point Series – Winter, (OhCPS-W) 2017 season.
The DGLA OhCPS brings leagues and players closer together for more fun, to help exchange ideas and grow the sport of Disc Golf.
Through the use of Disc Golf Scene all the scores, pictures, videos and chat from all leagues and players come together, enabling all the players throughout the state to see what players are doing, what each league is up to and what is new at each of the courses. Growing the sport of Disc Golf together and coming together to crown the Ohio State Disc Golf League Winter Champion.
Earn points for every round you play in a participating Ohio Disc Golf Leagues.
Leagues Coordinators, or players can Opt in to the OhCPS - Once your league is posted on Disc Golf Scene Post the URL of your league's About page (Main League Page) or send us a message with the info and we will add your league - It's FREE. Any Ohio league that has rounds played any time between Sunday Nov 20th 2016 - Saturday Feb 25th 2017 are eligible for the OhCPS-Winter 2016/17. The deadline to add new leagues is December 20th 2015.
** Leagues can always run outside the OhCPS dates but OhCPS points will only accumulate for rounds played between these dates.
Cost: There is no fee to be in the OhCPS-W 2016/17, you just play league rounds in participating leagues and your scores are automatically included. You must have a Disc Golf Scene profile which is also free.
Thanks for supporting DGLA and helping to support the Disc Golf Courses in Ohio. The Disc Golf League Association, inc (DGLA) is a Ohio Non-Profit organization helping disc golf players, clubs and leagues.
Based on player's and league coordinator's ideas and comments and the continued devotion of the DGLA and DGS staff the rules for the DGLA Ohio Statewide Point Series are available here.
Points calculation:
The Point Series point calculation tries to encourage players to play often yet and yet not penalize those who cannot play more than once or twice a week. We also try to encourage all league to participate by a three tier approached based on league size for the points accrual – League below 20 players get a boast, league greater than 60 have a points cap.
During a week (Sunday to Saturday) points are calculated for each participating league round you play. The highest TWO point total from any participating league are added into your total and the others are "dropped". Winter Aces are worth 25 points even if that league round is dropped. League round points are basically calculated by adding 2 points for participation and one point for every player you beat and if there is no tie for first place the winner(s) gets 2 additional points for being the "Out Right Winner". Now that basic calculation are further adjusted to encourage small leagues and balance out larger leagues using three levels; 4-19 players, 20-59, and 60+ players. The points awarded are different for each group. The smaller league rounds will get a guaranteed max point total the same as 20 players, the middle size league round are calculated as described above and the larger league rounds have a cap with max points being set to 60 players.
Scores must be entered the same as leagues determine payouts; If Divisions are used for payouts than scores must be entered by division. If handicaps are used for payouts then the handicap adjusted scores must be entered.
Cali - If there is one Cali in a double league they are counted as two players but if there is more than one Cali than they are only counted as one when calculating point totals. This ensures leagues can have special Cali rounds with multiple players playing Cali, but the point totals are accurate based on the number of actual players that played the round.
As always leagues can use their own points system or no point when entering league rounds, as the OhCPS points are calculated independently, allowing league more flexibility to continue with their legacy systems or try new point systems.
OhCPS automatically keeps your best TWO rounds per week (Sunday - Saturday) when calculating your OhCPS total points. This is automatically recalculated whenever new scores/rounds are posted or scores are updated. Get out and play as much as you can to increase your skill and maximize your points but if you are limited to how often you can play your goal would be to try and get at least two rounds per week.
Winter Aces: Worth 25 points – League Admin – this is automatically calculated so if you want to use a different point system for your individual league Aces you can.
Disc Golf Scene has added weekly & monthly awards to your profile based on OhCPS rounds. That’s more Disc Golf Scene Bling for your profile.
There are more leagues than ever so get out to some new courses or new leagues and see what is going on throughout the state. Don't overlook the smaller leagues - they tend to incorporate new ideas faster, have a really friendly group feel and you get introduced to the courses with the locals who know them best. I also highly recommend making it out to one of the larger leagues as well to experience the energy of all those players coming together at one time, yet in a slightly more casual environment than a tournament. Bottom line, get out and play often!!!! & Enjoy.
As a player in the OhCPS you represent the core Ohio Disc Golf players and you can really help make this sport better. Help pass along the Disc Golf etiquette that makes rounds fun and fair for all. Encourage new players and pass along some tips to help others improve. Bring a friend out and expose them to Disc Golf leagues. If you pack it in, pack it out - or at least make sure it ends up in a trash can. Keeping the courses clean is critical to keeping our courses.
We have naturally beautiful courses let's help keep them that way.
Thanks and Enjoy the Rounds.
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Foz Miller March 10, 2017 at 3:40pm
DGLA: OhCPS - Winter 2016/17 - Our Champion is.....
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2016/17
First off I'd like to say thanks to the league admin who keep leagues running each week, week after week so we know we can show up and have a blast playing this great sport and for all those players who help out from time to time - Thanks!!! you really do make a difference.
Also I'm sorry I was unable to make more status posts during the season. Things have been very hectic and I was unable to post summaries and announcements ... more
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2016/17
First off I'd like to say thanks to the league admin who keep leagues running each week, week after week so we know we can show up and have a blast playing this great sport and for all those players who help out from time to time - Thanks!!! you really do make a difference.
Also I'm sorry I was unable to make more status posts during the season. Things have been very hectic and I was unable to post summaries and announcements like they should be. If anyone is interested in assisting please hit me up with a message. Just posting local event reminders or a quick view of the stats really makes a difference. It's not ESPN but it's great to hear who is doing what where throughout the state.
Real quick the Summer Point Series is posted so if you play Ohio leagues April - July make sure the league is added so you get points for those rounds - It's free to all Ohio leagues and Players:
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2017
16 week State Wide Disc Golf League Point Series
Sunday April 9th 2017 - Saturday July 29th 2017
**** Critical Dates ****
May 21st 2017 Sunday - Deadline for adding new leagues to the Point Series.
Well a quick look at how everyone played the winter season - 3 leagues and 24 total players. The basic formula to ensure your at the top of the leaderboard is to play often, beat as many opponents each round and Aces are some nice gravy on top. Now not everyone can play multiple rounds a week or have access to multiple leagues but the point system tries to balance that out so everyone has a fighting chance.
14 week season
Sunday Nov 20th 2016 - Saturday Feb 25th 2017
3 leagues Down from 12 last year
140 Total Rounds Played
24 Total # of Players
2418 Total Points awarded
I like to look at the Points per Round Average as it can help compare player potential and helps identify the sleepers or those who were unable to get out to as many rounds as some others but based on how they played if they had gotten out more they probably would have been at the top of the leaderboard.
Now if the number of rounds is high and your in this top ten list based on Points per Round Average then you are not only good but you are consistently good. Congrats. Like eric " Sharky " boyd with 18 rounds. And Andy Morrison with 17 rounds but slightly higher PRA - so how important is a single round - we will come back to that. And there is rollie rush with 10 rounds and 2nd overall in Points Per Round Average - Nice! Then there is the Bill "The Ninja" Savage with only 3 rounds this season but the highest Points per Round average of 25.66666667. I would call him a sleeper this season but as this name has been on so many leaderboards it's not a surprise. The Ace at
Sundays at the Pond - Painesville Kiwanis Recreation Park, Main course full 18, 18 holes with Partner Ryan Tex Kimbro, where he used those Ninja skills to Ace hole #7 really posed his PRA and was the only Ace listed in the overall 10 ten leaderboard. Nice Shot Bill.
Top 10 players based on Points per Round Average (PRA)
10 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 77 3 25.66666667
3 rollie rush 215 10 21.5
13 Kevin Daney 63 3 21
18 Pat Jackson 41 2 20.5
23 James Humphrey 20 1 20
15 Theodore Mote 56 3 18.66666667
2 Andy Morrison 314 17 18.47058824
19 Joe Michelini 36 2 18
5 Bob Becker 213 12 17.75
1 eric " Sharky " boyd 317 18 17.61111111
OK so what did the top 10 players do to secure their place at the top of the leaderboard?
On average they accumulated 181 points by playing around 10 rounds, averaging 18 pts per round and only had to win 2.2 rounds all season.
Top Ten Average stats
181.3 Points
10.2 # of Rounds
18.182 Average Points per Rounds
18.182 Average Points per Counted rounds
2.200 Wins
0.100 Aces
Now there was a point spread between 10th and 1st of 240 points going from 77 to 317 pts. When you look at the stats it's easy to see that the number of rounds played was the big differentiator, ranging from 3 rounds to 18 rounds, all in order from 3 rounds in 10th place to 18 rounds taking the top spot, except rollie rush who managed to make his 10 rounds get him into 3rd instead of 5th - remember his higher PRA above - Nice rounds rollie.
But dedication and perseverance paid off for Andy Morrison & eric " sharky " boyd with the most rounds played by 3-4 more rounds than any other player and a high PRA.
I asked the question above about how important one round can be overall. Well Andy had a 18.4 PRA edging out eric's 17.6. Both awesome, but even though Andy had 0.8 points more a round on average eric's 18th round, just one more than Andy made the difference and lands him in the top spot and our
DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Winter 2016/17 CHAMPION - eric " sharky " boyd - Congrats eric.
Leaderboard Position Player Points Total Rounds Total Rounds Ratio Wins Aces
1 eric " Sharky " boyd 317 18 17.61111111 2 0
2 Andy Morrison 314 17 18.47058824 3 0
3 rollie rush 215 10 21.5 8 0
3 Ryan Lynch 215 14 15.35714286 0 0
5 Bob Becker 213 12 17.75 3 0
6 Johnny Boggs 155 9 17.22222222 2 0
7 Bruce -Chicken Wing- Shirer 135 8 16.875 3 0
8 Mickey "Brillomick" Anderson 91 6 15.16666667 0 0
9 Michael "Sean" Barnes 81 5 16.2 0 0
10 Bill "The Ninja" Savage 77 3 25.66666667 1 1
Well I hope everyone enjoyed the rounds they did get in this winter. Spring is trying to take hold and warmer rounds are always welcomed.
Hope to see you all in the DGLA: Ohio Cooperative Point Series - Summer 2017.
Remember to invite some new players to league for more fun. Share tips, trick and disc golf etiquette with those you meet. Help keep the courses clean for everyone's enjoyment.
Peace and Enjoy the Rounds