Club Kensington Summer Doubles 2023

April - October 2023 • Milford, Michigan
Doubles league

Ace pool

as of October 29
This league has ended.
No upcoming league rounds are scheduled.


Oct 22, 2023 · Top scores
Kensington Metropark
Black Locust
Winter 22 shorts, 22 holes
-16 50
Andrew Przytulski
Justin Leibold
-14 52
Jeff Brunett
Jason Soznowski
-14 52
Mark Guldner
Nick Greene
Overall standings
1Nick Greene347
2Don Cantwell309
3Justin Leibold288
View complete leaderboards ·
Leaderboard updated 10/29/23

About this League

Doubles league - 142 all-time players - 0 active players
$20.00 one-time player fee for this league
$5.00 player fee each session
$5.00 ace pool entry
$5 to play, $5 for ace pool, $3 for the 50/50+disc CTP. One time membership fee of $20 gets you 100% of the ace pool and eligible for end of season payouts (top 10). Non-members get 80%.

League News

Nick Greene   June 24, 2023 at 8:38pm


We have been on the north course alot lately so South it is tomorrow! Looks like some storms might roll in on at the end of our round but lets plan on playing longs! Ladies and men over retirement age can play from shorts as always.

Good luck to Andy and the whole team representing Club Kensington out at the Mayhem event this weekend!

Ace Pool is starting at a mean and cool $795 plus the two discs Holdens Deli donated off their wall! Thank you Holdens!!

I will have donuts tomorrow morning as well! 10:30 last call as usual. See you all in the morning!


Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   June 16, 2023 at 6:44pm

Father's Day Round this Sunday!

This year we're going to change it up a little bit and have it be more of a fun round for everyone. There will be no points awarded, but all buy-ins and the ace pool will still be in effect. We want to encourage people to bring out their kids or parents to the round and not penalize those who do.

You can be partnered with who you bring, and if you have a couple little ones, you can all play as one team. You can form your own cards as always, but we will also try to group like aged folks ... more


Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   May 21, 2023 at 12:34pm

South Shorts!

Ace pool starts at $325! Last call is at 1030, $5 to play, $5 for the ace pool, and $3 for the 50/50+disc CTP.

Memberships are $20 for the season and get you 100% of the pool and eligibility for end of season top 10 payouts. You'll also get a cool Club Kensington towel!


Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   May 7, 2023 at 12:16pm

Rainy Start Today

It looks like the rain should be heading out of the area by 11am. We will play it by ear, but we will be playing the South Course today.

As is tradition, we will take a break for Mother's Day (May 14) and return to action on May 21.

Ace pool starts at $210! We added 2 new members, putting us at 47 total and $940 in the payout pot. Membership costs $20 and gets you into season end payouts and 100% of the ace pot (80% for non-members), plus a cool Club Kensington towel.

Last call is 1030, $5 to play, $5 for the ace pool, and $3 for the 50/50+disc CTP.


Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   April 23, 2023 at 11:36am

North Longs Today!

Weather is looking chilly but mostly dry so we'll be playing North Longs today.

There's probably going to be a fair number of people today so please be patient with me and Nick and try to wait until we done registering someone before giving us money. We're also doing memberships so that take a little extra time to make sure we don't miss anything.

The ace pot starts at $1590! If you want 100% of that, you'll need to be a club member, otherwise you'll get 80%.
... more


Drew "Orange Andy" Herron   April 16, 2023 at 11:27am

Summer Season Begins!

We're back in action for the start of of our 2023 Summer Season!

Today we'll do payouts for the top 10 point getters of the Winter Season and issue 3 MI Amateur State berths.

The design for our custom club disc is almost complete and we expect to be taking preorders for a mid-May delivery when we can show everyone what Dave Lonteen has cooked up for us!

Storms are expected by 2ish but we should be dry until then. We'll be playing South Shorts today. Ace pool starts at a w ... more

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