2017 Oak Grove Bag Tag League
June - September 2017 •
Newberg, Oregon
Bag Tag league
Bag Tag league
Might be most accurate but based on scores last week this is what should be... we will update better tomorrow night
Got the leaderboard all updated!
If you could send me your email here I can get you link up !
Here is the link for the Facebook Oak Grove Disc Golf Bag Tag Challenge Page: https://www.facebook.com/Oak-Grove-Disc-Golf-Bag-Tag-Challenge-Page-567056687015488/
Go add yourself and be sure to let everyone know when and where your huk'ing!
I'm pretty sure Chad should have tag #2. He took the lowest tag last week. Scotty B should probably have tag 5, 6 or 7.
It looks like you entered his score as 24 instead of what his team shot which was 53.
Chad has number 2
I have 7
It'll get fixed up tonight