2017 NorthRidge Church Sanctioned Singles Fall League
PDGA-sanctioned bag tag league
And that concludes the NRC Fall league schedule... stay tuned for the Winter rounds beginning at 5 pm on 11/7!
Thanks for coming out last night everyone! Wasn't exactly perfect weather, but you never know what you're going to get at NorthRidge LOL
Welcome to our newest member, Zack C. 9 people showed last night. all hot rounds were extinguished by the wind and then dowsed by rain... but the 2 best rounds went to Cullen with a 57 (+1) and Mark G with a 58 (+2). CTPs went to Adam S on ...
Hey everyone! Don’t forget, tee off at 5 pm tomorrow night. Try and get a glow disc or 2 if you can, but I’ll have tape and UV lights for those who don’t. Rain is supposed to hold off until 7ish according to current predictions but may want to bring and umbrella just in case. 2 CTPs tomorrow... and Ace Pool over $300!
See you all tomorrow night!
Tee off still 5 pm, small percentage chance of rain but high winds. Should make for an interesting evening of disc golf
Hey gang, thanks for coming out to Lakeshore yesterday! A bit windy (but we're used to that from NorthRidge LOL) but a beautiful night for disc golf. First off, welcome to our 2 new members Cullen and David! 16 people showed for week 7 (2 people not in league and did not put in for Ace Pool), which puts the Ace Pool up to $321 (I witnessed Doug throw an ace on 17 in warm-ups... sorry brother, save those for the league LOL). Hot round went to both Ryan and Doug with a 52. CTP over the Pond o ... more
So will these winter rounds where we will be playing glo include lights on the baskets, then?
Yeah, going to see if I can get a deal on bulk glow strips to put on each week... unless anyone has other suggestions.
Look online for the small lights that you can set on top of baskets. Or at like harbor freight tools there.
Hey gang, don’t forget we’re at Lakeshore/the Ponds tonight, tee off 5:15. Due to earlier fading light we will only be playing 1-18, skipping A-F. Next week will actually be the last week of Fall league, as Oct 31 is my deadline to get the league report to PDGA for ratings, and by majority opinion not playing on Oct 31 as it is Halloween and many of us have children. Still wondering how many people would be interested in playing 1 final round during the day at BRATS on Saturday Oct. ... more
Hey gang, sorry it took me so long but the scores have been uploaded and are available for viewing for those of us who are PDGA. Great night for some disc golf, glad the rain held off! Ryan S threw the hot round of 49, followed by Mark G with a 51. CTP went to Rick E with a parked drive under 3's basket (great toss Rick!). 13 people showed, which bumps the Ace Pool up to $293 next week!
Next week we will be meeting at Lakeshore, tee off at 5:15. Due to earlier sunset we will be playing ON ...
Uh. U somehow removed my round from the week before
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll get that taken care of.
Got it, 9/27 you shot a 47 (-9). Added it to the PDGA report and will be uploaded tomorrow morning with tonight's scores.
I’m back! Hopefully everyone got some practice in for some low scores tonight. Unfortunately won’t be me as I can’t play due to a sprained ankle, but will be there to run things still.
Tee off at 5:30 tonight, will be tag challenge for card only, random draw. We can also discuss earlier tee off times tonight as it’s getting dark earlier, but I’ll try to remember to pick up some glow tape today. See you tonight!
Great turn out this week! 22 people, which bumps the Ace Pool up to $267! Johnny Mac had the hot round of 47 followed closely by Ryan S with a 48. CTP went to Brendan who parked it under hole 8 basket.
There was a mixup towards the end of handing out the tags, I have someone named Ben L on one of the cards who I don't have listed in my league log and I may have inadvertently given him one of the tags. Pretty sure I have most of the tag #'s correct on the leaderboard but if it incorr ...
Tomorrow, 5:30 pm tee off time at NorthRidge. As it's starting to get dark earlier I would like to know if it is inconvenient to push the tee time up to 5:15 or even 5 pm in the next few weeks. Another option would be making sure everyone has a couple Glo discs they could switch to if tee time remains 5:30. We will NOT have leagues next week, Oct 3 as I will be out of town, but feel free to get together that evening and challenge each other for tags! See you all tomorrow night!
Oh, by th ...
I for one only have one glow disc and that's only for its stability I'm not looking to invest in glow disc so I vote for 5 p.m. start
Sorry i have not been able to make it out to fall league much but i like the idea of have a few holes be glow. There is only a small invest ment need to play, a Black light and some glow tape. this could spark interest for a late fall league and early spring league and for the die hard throwers a winter league. Once day light saving passes it will be dark by 5pm.
Scores for those of you who are PDGA members have been uploaded and ratings are available to view, click on the link on the league main page above
Beautiful night for disc golf... an unusually non windy day on the BRC course! 14 people showed tonight, in clouding 2 new members Bryan and Ben S. Welcome! Ace pool now up to $223. Hot round once again goes to Ryan S with a 47 (-9) followed by Jake B and Bryan with 53 (-3). CTP went to Ben H, parking it under the basket on 15. Great drive Ben! Next week once again at NorthRidge, tee off at 5:30. In the next couple of weeks we will most likely be bumping tee off to 5:15 due to less daylight, hope this works for everyone. See you guys next Tuesday!
By the way, bag tag #'s are incorrect. Please post what your correct number is so I can correct it. Thanks!
Tonight at NorthRidge 5:30 tee off. Playing original front 9 and concrete back 9! Looks like there is a chance of rain so I will either post around 4:30 if it looks like it's definitely going to be raining or we can make the call at 5:30. Hopefully see you all tonight!
League on for tonight, looks like weather should hold off... but bring an umbrella just in case!
A rough night for most of us at The Farm tonight, but there were a couple good rounds. First and foremost welcome to our 2 newest members Ryan (who shot the hot round of 51 (-4)) and Grant. Mark N threw the next best at 56 (+1). Longest putt on 4 was made by Jake B for an Innova Nova XT putter. 11 people showed tonight, which puts the Ace Pool up to $195!
Next week at NorthRidge where we will christen the NEW CONCRETE TEES on the back 9!!! 5:30 tee off time. See everyone next Tuesday!
Hey guys, another great night for a round at NRC (except for that brief rain shower)! 16 people showed, including 1 new person Joe Hattley. Welcome Joe! This puts the ace pool up to $173. Some excellent throwing last night... hot round goes to Jake B with a 48 (-8), follwed closely by Johhny Mac with a 51 and Mark G with a 52! CTP disc went to Jeff K with a parked drive on hole 10.
Next week we will finally (again, weather permitting) be pouring the concrete tees on the back 9!!! If you can hel ...
Don't forget tee off starting tonight is 5:30 pm through the rest of the season. See you all tonight! Don't forget your tags!
Weather doesn't look like it's going to cooperate so calling it now, we'll postpone week 2 until next week, tee off at 5:30 pm. If you could call/text those who may not see this post Id be grateful!
Going to be at Northridge 12:30-1:00 o'clock if anybody wants to throw a round
Tomorrow at NorthRidge 5:30 tee off time. Make sure you bring your tags! Rain called for most of tomorrow but showing should let up by 6. We'll make the call at 5:30 to play or not.
Calling due to inclement weather, not looking good through 7 pm. I'll post, but could people also call/text those who may not see the post? Thanks, see you next Tuesday!
Ah figures i drove out anyways. Maybe next week. Where is hole one out here anyways.
Hole 1 tee and 18 basket near playscape around the back/South side of the church
Thanks to everyone coming out last night! 18 players, hot rounds of 53 by Mark G, Jake B and Brian S. Great throwing guys! CTP was a toughie but hit with a great drive by Mark N. for a Prodiscus Titan.
It was definitely a learning curve getting the tags redistributed last night, so thank you for your patience, hopefully I've got a better system in place next week. When I entered the scores this morning it skipped the first 5 players (giving #1 to 6th place) for some reason so had to manual ...
Cool, thanks Matt. I didn't know who had that before so it wasn't assigned to anyone.
Tonight, 6 pm tee off @ Founders Park (8 mile east of Newburgh). 9 short and 9 long. Bring your bag tag! More still available for those who don't have theirs yet. See you tonight!
Coming from oxford mi!