Rob Dahmen February 21, 2024 at 9:56pm
Congratulations to Camp Agawam on being selected to Disckhana 2024: Ragnarök.
Hole #10 for the Open division & Hole #11 for the Ladies division.
If you are interested in finding out what Disckhana is, check out the league page!
Matt London December 8, 2023 at 10:12am
Hole 17's basket has been moved back 100ft.
Matt London December 5, 2023 at 10:20am
To get to 16's new short pad. After you walk out of 15 to the boat launch road, walk toward the gate. The trail up starts right by the gate pole. It's a bit of a steep hike up but SO worth it.
Matt London December 4, 2023 at 12:10pm
U disc smart layouts are now active! I updated hole 13. There is only one pad for this hole moving forward. Also updated 16's short to on top of the hill. I'll update individual holes as pads are poured.
Matt Schefke November 15, 2023 at 11:05pm
I'm assuming that you saw the sticks that I layed out for the teepad on hole 16 in the spring? Much better than the walking path.

Right?!?!? It’s such a fun shot. I’m going to try to work on a walking path to the pad this weekend.
Matt London November 14, 2023 at 6:18pm
We are having a work day on 11/19 at 10am to clean up brush and limbs being cut this week. Meet in the field at 10am. Bring gloves if you have them.
Matt London November 3, 2023 at 4:32pm
Camp Agawam update to the update.
First off it is very encouraging and gives me motivation to keep going after all the support you guys showed last night and this morning. I had several people reach out and mention putting all the frames in now was a bad idea. They will warp over winter. Very good point. I think my excitement yesterday kept me from thinking about this. The park director agrees. So, tomorrow I’m going to marker paint off holes 1-5 shorts and longs tee pad locations. W ...
Matt London November 2, 2023 at 10:33pm
Well, our meeting with Orion parks went way better than I could have imagined. Miles and myself met with the park’s superintendent today at Camp Agawam. We have all the funding and a superintendent that wants this course done. So, here is the plan. Saturday I will be making a list of all holes that need to have pads leveled. The parks will get them all level for us. Then I need your help. We are going to organize a work day and get the pad frames laid. Longs and shorts 5x12 pads. We want t ... more

Thanks, Matt. You are an honorable man. Played the course many times even though I'm a solid 45 minute drive away. My buddies and I already love it and can't wait to see the additions. I'm dialed in on whitetail deer for the next several weekends and apologize in advance for not being able to help. Will spread the word..

It’s so much work doing a course!!! Thanks so much for the work and enthusiasm!! I love the layout!
Matt London October 25, 2023 at 2:47pm
My meeting with Orion parks got pushed back until next Thursday. He had a death in the family. I'm going to hold off on the work day until after we go over our plan with them. I will post here and on the P.M.A. Disc Golf Facebook page. Thanks
Matt London October 13, 2023 at 2:26pm
Seeing if there's any interest in a course clean up day. Looking a little rough out there. Lots of downed trees and general cleaning and trimming needed. I'm thinking Saturday October 28th. If interested please reply to this comment. If I get any interest I'll make an event page for it. Thanks
Bill kink Sicora June 25, 2023 at 5:24pm
Lost a red eagle in the lake of 15 name and number on it $100 bounty

Curtis told me about your disc. My 12yr old is very motivated by money. LOL! He went out looking for it for you. He was in about ten minutes until he got to cold. No luck though. We tried.
Garett Patria June 7, 2023 at 2:43am
Found a disc with no name nor number on the right side of the hole #6 fairway (top of the drop off). Name the color and model and I’ll get it back to you.
Jeff Bauman June 4, 2023 at 2:04pm
Team Stony is hosting an unsanctioned singles event here next Saturday June 10.
Online registration is now open...
Ranger Dave April 21, 2023 at 1:54am
Lost a blue buzz ss on 15, in the water has name on it no number.
Would like it returned if found. Reward offered. Says "RANGER!!" On inside rim.
Thanks in advance, to whoever finds it.
Rob Dahmen March 6, 2023 at 12:34pm
Congratulations to Hole 6 at Camp Agawam to being selected to Disckhana 2023: Valhalla.
If you are interested in finding out what Disckhana is, check out the league page!
Matt London November 11, 2022 at 10:23pm
I lost a redish pink Hades on the right side of hole 10 about a week ago. kicked off a tree and lost it. I think the leaves ate it. Disc reward for return.
Michael A October 25, 2022 at 5:36pm
I lost a white-ish Innova X stamp disc (wraith) on hole 4
Michael A August 5, 2022 at 2:20pm
I Left a red disc in the field/ parking area near hole 1. It has a huk lab logo drawn on the top
Ryan Paduch July 2, 2022 at 7:31pm
Found item on 17. Must’ve fell off or out of something near basket. Name brand and mold and they’re yours
Thanks for everything Matt!