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Anthony Lupro April 30 at 6:19pm
Left a yellow/greenish champ thunderbird on hole 9 I believe if anyone came across it
Stephen Tarnowski April 26, 2023 at 11:34pm
Left a grey splatter star firebird on hole 8. Missed Mando and went into field. One group playing behind me had to of scooped it. If anyone grabbed it I'd like to get it back, thanks
Jaron Chascsa May 12, 2022 at 1:44pm
1000 thank yous to the kind soul who put the FD that I left laying on #3 under the garbage can on #4. I owe you one.
Steve Nolff April 5, 2022 at 4:12pm
New application of wood chips around pins and pads really helps with the footing and some standing water. Course is certainly playable, boots advised during this time of the year. Thanks for getting the wood chips down guys!!
J Moyer S.D.G.C. December 20, 2021 at 2:30pm
Anyone local want to shoot this today?
tree love December 9, 2021 at 10:40pm
Went by 12-8-21.8 yellow discatchers in,no signs yet.some challenging holes from the longs, wet and icy,huge lowland pond to throw over.will throw there again soon.i,m right between seitzs and boardman.another close course.
Steve Nolff November 25, 2021 at 11:08pm
Took a ride by the course yesterday. Baskets are still not in.

I had heard the city was supposed to get the baskets this weekend and the collars were set. So, I am hopeful. I will try to swing by there in the next couple days to confirm. Thanks Ben. I am really excited to have a course in this part of town.
Steve Nolff November 5, 2021 at 7:09pm
Course does not have baskets, at this time. Tee pads have been poured and are huge and look great. The park seems to be clay based and was holding water in Nov. Looks like a canal of sorts has been dug around part of the park to manage drainage. It has been very wet, so this may change seasonally. Holes seem to work around the parameter of the park, making use of a nice hill. There is a walking path that seems to come into play, but it was hard to see the exact flow for lack of baskets. ... more
Will trade or reward anyone who returns it! Left it in weeds on hole 8 Mando. Threw from drop zone with putt and never picked it up. If anyone is in leagues here or sees it in lost and found, I'd love to get it back! Thanks and appreciate it ????