DiscS oVer Clubs

Club Staff

Home courses

Bennington, VT
Recent News
Ryan Gariboldi
April 11, 2018 at 5:14pm
DiscS oVer Clubs 2018
Hey All!
Its that time of year and DiscS oVer Clubs will be starting league night at Willow Park in Bennington on 04.26.18. It will take place every Thursday night at 5:30 for ten weeks. We will then have a break week on the week of July 4th and start back up the following Thursday for the second session lasting another ten weeks. The format will be dubs and we will be counting the best 7 out of 10 scores as we have done in the past.
We are planning for a lot of events this year. In the ...
Tony Malikowski
June 16, 2017 at 5:37pm
Upcoming tournaments...
Hi all,
Right now it looks like we will be having at least three events at Willow for those of you who like a little organized competition.
1. Trilogy Challenge - tentative date is either Sunday July 30th or Sunday August 6th, whichever works better for the park schedule.
2. Battle of the Shires - an invitation only team competition on a Ryder Cup-like format between the evil forces of the Manchester Hunter Park horde and the valiant and just Bennington Willow Park regulars. Tentative d ...

Bennington Blowout is a good one. Tony want to update this when you confirm the dates? might have already confirmed them all. Just trying to plan in advance. Thanks!

Two dates are firm... Sun 6 August Trilogy, and Sun 1 October for the PDGA tourney. We still need to make sure that Frank is cool with 20 August for the Battle.
Bennington Blowout?