Disc-Van-Go Players Shuttle

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Gresham, OR
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D.C. Dan Dulaney
April 11, 2015 at 1:55am
FREE to attend Locks Approach Women's clinic, Sun. April 12th @1pm
The Port of Cascade Locks and Discvango will be offering a 2hr Women's clinic Sun. Apr. 12th @1pm.
This will be held @ the Locks Approach DGC(4 Industrial Park Way, Cascade Locks Or), and be taught be Pro Women instructors. Casual play to follow the clinic. Loaner clinic discs will be provided for clinic as well as casual play. CTP(closest to the pin) prizes will also be offered to those attending.
Please call 503-329-5954 for additional info, or just show up ready to play! PLEASE HELP SHARE FOR THOSE WHO MAY WISH TO ATTEND, THANKS!!!
D.C. Dan Dulaney
April 9, 2015 at 2:45am
Locks Approach Friday Dubs
Fri. Apr. 17th(just 1 week away), will be the kick off of the 2015 doubles league. $5 random draw is the format. We will have 19 rounds over the summer for over-all points, the top playing in finals for CASH. $1 to ace pot, $1 to finals and $3 to weekly payout. Sign-up 5:00-5:30 start SAP, after a little more daylight, we will move sign-up to 5:30-6:00,start time 6:00 sharp.
APR. 17th!! Locks Approach Friday Dubs
Fri. Apr. 17th, will be the kick off of the 2015 doubles league. $5 random draw is the format. We will have 19 rounds over the summer for over-all points, the top playing in finals for CASH. $1 to ace pot, $1 to finals and $3 to weekly payout. Sign-up 5:00-5:30 start SAP, after a little more daylight, we will move sign-up to 5:30-6:00,start time 6:00 sharp.