The 2020 Hollows Fall Classic Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA logoFri-Sun, September 25-27, 2020 at The Hollows North in Manchester, New Hampshire
A-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

The 2020 Hollows Fall Classic Sponsored by Dynamic Discs graphic

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2020 Hollows Fall Classic Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

I want to give big shout out to Dynamic Discs for Taking Title Sponsorship of the Fall Classic. They are a leader in the disc golf industry. Together with Dynamic I am working on bringing you players another one of our great Tournaments. All Amateurs will receive a great Dynamic Discs Players Pack.

Norma and I are working on bringing you the highest quality disc golf anywhere around. In the last 5 years, we have tried to rise to the occasion for each one of our tournaments and we expect this one to surpass them all. This will be our 5th A-Tier.

There will be 3 days of disc golf on 2 courses in Manchester, NH: The Hollows North and The Hollows South. Players will play 1 round per day on their assigned course and you will be assigned tee times for each day of play. The courses will be in short tee pad to long pin placements for Am players, and the Pros will play from long tee pads to long pin placement on the North Course only and short tees to long pins on the South. All Pro divisions and advanced divisions will be playing the South Course twice, and the North Course once

Your Players Meeting will be E-mailed to you on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Players Packs will be given out after your first round on Friday. Stop by the registration table on the course you played when you finish your first round. It is very important that you go to the registration table at the course you played on.

Field Events:

We are working very hard to make this tournament a must-attend for the entire New England Community. We will be adding field events including our Totem Pole. In the Totem Pole event, baskets will be stacked 4 high with cash to be won at each basket height. This is one of my favorites! We will also be having putting contests as well as a CTP driving contest. Play for free or pay and possibly win $$. We will also be running a Glow Round Tournament on Sept 26th at Birch Park in Amherst NH. This is just another add on for the Fall Classic. Sign up for this Glow Round Doubles Match . Pick yourself a partner and sign up .


We will have a SUPER Raffle this year. Details will be coming soon. Due to Covid-19 there will be limited gatherings after the tournament. Awards, Gift Certificates, and cash payout to the Pro's will be announced in the Players Meeting.

All Amateur players will receive a player pack! (A nice one).


Pro Divisions will be paid out in cash prizes

Intermediate and Advanced Divisions will be paid out with gift certificates to Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies in Manchester NH just around the corner from the course. Our certificates can be used at both our retail locations in Manchester and Dover location at Bellamy ParkDisc Golf Course. ALL RECREATION & JR. DIVISIONS - PLAYERS PACKS & TROPHY ONLY


Don't forget to use your PDGA card to help get discounts at local hotels. The LaQuinta Inn in Manchester NH is ready for you. There are campgrounds in the area as well. Feel free to reach out to us for any questions you might have.


Chamberlin Electric, Team Queen City , Keene Disc Golf Club, Manchester Karate Jui Jitsu, DHI Construction, Lafayette Press, Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies Manchester, Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies, Dover, Hillside Construction, QUIRK Chevrolet Buick GMC, EMS, Dynamic Discs, Cactus Jacks/T-Bone, Morgan McGeehan Designs, On Point Construction, LLC , Rob Rustowicz & Company, Dicky Smart - Gate City Disc Golf Club, the Sirois Family Foundation; and more to come.

We are looking for hole sponsors. Any help with this will be much appreciated. Contact Bill or Norma at Breakin Chains Disc Golf.
Tel: 603-232-2261


We are looking for people who would like to help us make this event a success.
Please get in touch with Bill or Norma at Breakin Chains Disc Golf, 603-232-2261 or Email us at [email redacted]

More to be announced soon.
Refund policy Breakin Chains Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.

Refund policy

Breakin Chains Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Matt Bell514749147$1,500
2Raivis Markons-Craig465155152$1,000
3Josh DiBattista505059159$500
3Michael Habets505455159$500
3Nicholas Carl485556159$500
6Tyler Blanchet535057160$300
7Billy Crane535257162$237
7Trevor Harbolt545157162$237
9Edwin Bedell535557165$200
10Jeffrey Hinkley525361166$175
11Able Virgile565258166
12Matthew Allen544865167$150
13Levi Lamoreau535661170$125
14Michael Waradzyn575757171
15Tim Moyer605260172
16Cody White535862173
16Michael Broderick585758173
18Colby Foster615261174
18Matt Armstrong555861174
20Matthew Burnette585760175
20Scott Poland555961175
20William Cox605560175
23Nicholas Papamichael615760178
24Matthew Stolarz566363182
25Nicholas Ailes555970184
26Jesse Durfee625965186
26Jorge Ochoa635766186
28Michael Laflam6177-138
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Josh Connell505156157$650
2J Ray535657166$500
3Bob Kulchuk565658170$350
4Chris Buckle585962179$200
5Tim Dolan605862180
5Travis Winkleman585963180
7Will Flood625865185
8Daniel Jenkins575970186
9Frederick Rehm646464192
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Blaine Faulkner575256165$350
2Ken Gary525760169
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Sarah Hokom575358168$600
2Missy Gannon575459170$400
3Courtney Cannon555367175$200
4Cassandra Lioi575965181$150
5Tamara Coburn646065189
6Michelle Vega626668196
7Molly Bass657269206
8Michele Guerin716571207
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Jonathan Carlisle525550157$200
2Dylan Capaccioli535351157$170
3Steve Heroux545450158$130
4Brian Schweinhart535453160$105
4Kevin Johnson555649160$105
6Darrell Moreau545652162$88
6Gillis MacDougall565254162$88
6Kevin Kelley525753162$88
6Terry Belmosto575154162$88
10Nicholas Eori545457165$75
11Adam Antinoro565654166$63
11Jared Beaugeard595750166$63
11Nathan Hoitt575950166$63
11Peter Janson545458166$63
15Joel Dewhurst585851167$50
16Christopher Kulig595852169$40
16John Bilsky575359169$40
16John Kelley III536353169$40
19Eric Bell585854170
19Zachary Deraspe525860170
21Sean McGonagle615655172
22Beau Schofield566057173
22Bryant Chamberlin586451173
22Robert Harris545960173
25Adam Baney566355174
25Frank Nick605955174
25Jacob Taylor576156174
28Daniel Coburn645853175
29Tyler Gagnon606155176
30James Olsen635659178
30Waldo Quinney626056178
32Dan Snyder626058180
32Solomon Rueschemeyer-Bailey606258180
34Brandon Daugherty626162185
35Carlos Alvarado616660187
36Brian Murray646559188
36Eric Carmichael586268188
38Kyle Rondeau636464191
39Ronald Rondeau676961197
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Brian Betit565955170$175
2Ben Zukatis546658178$125
3Mark Sayer585764179$100
4Steve Fraher606060180$80
5Scott Drischler655957181$65
6Dean Chapman606163184$55
7Lawrence McGonagle Jr606462186$45
8Peter Bielak636361187$30
9Derek DeVoe666261189
10Derek Tippie676459190
11Robin Eimers646266192
12Gary Rura656365193
12Matt Rodkey666859193
14Stephen Sylvain686563196
15Jesse Breton646766197
16Kristofer Duer726365200
17Dicky Smart746767208
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Steven Foster605760177$140
2Tyler Bowden576260179$100
3Eric Jenkins616659186$75
4Lloyd Jameson646163188$50
5Kevin Bell646463191$35
6Bob Testa666563194
7Rock Roberge706666202
8Shane Piroso746669209
9Chris Geddis747167212
10Paul Bryant746774215
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Bill Byrne637060193$75
2Walter Doolin666863197$45
3Paul Lusky716567203
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Ben Firsick505155156$250
2John MacDonald565354163$200
3Gavin Galloway575755169$175
4Benjamin English535760170$138
4Joe McCarthy535958170$138
6Andrew Leahy535563171$120
7Craig DeLuca575758172$108
7Mason Sailer605458172$108
7Uriyah Kelley545761172$108
10David Normand545762173$90
11Miles Sayer565762175$80
12Ben Stephens536162176$80
12Kristopher Wiley635954176$80
12Roger Allard546062176$80
15Chris Stetler605760177$73
15Jason Provencher575961177$73
15Kevin Gallant606156177$73
15Nickolas Webster575862177$73
19Brian Lively596257178$67
19Ellis Boettger575863178$67
19William Currier566161178$67
22Cory Carter625859179$60
23Joel Gomez556263180$60
23Michael Byrne616356180$60
23Tyler Moran585963180$60
26Andrew Montgomery586162181$46
26Anthony Detris635761181$46
26Bryan Foster586063181$46
26Jesse Simons635860181$46
26Keith Mackenzie555967181$46
31Ross White596063182$35
32Lawrence Murphy626061183$11
32Mark Andrikowich655563183$11
32Matthew Chouinard626160183$11
35Adam Paris645961184
35Scott Benedict626062184
37Griffin Swinburne626063185
37Jeremy Whitaker616262185
37Joe Polenchar576266185
37Shane Leadbetter576464185
41Ryan Bradstreet636261186
42Dan Mason606067187
42Matthew Morse656062187
42Nate Frazier566566187
45Dylan Kolenski586565188
46Michael Corson606762189
46Thomas Lull635967189
48Steve Thompson666064190
49Charles Crudden596270191
49James Thomas636563191
49Joe Mitchell636068191
52Elijah Mishkind646069193
52Jonny Kimball646663193
54Donald Bruce646367194
54Jacob Roberge635972194
56Jacob Kritzon596869196
56Jared Bolduc626569196
56Justin Dubois696265196
59Dan Laviolette666566197
59Jack Facey656468197
59Michael Kelly626768197
62Gregory Buscanera666569200
62Matt Bishop676469200
62Michael Corson Jr.656669200
65Brian Nahigian676767201
65Marc Davis626970201
67Alexander Gagnon716568204
68Mark Pelletier627670208
69Justin Ober677074211
70James Ogles716878217
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Cody Manley605766183
2Michael Tran596565189
3Randy Jack626666194
4Derek Chambers626970201
4John Hollister636672201
6Mike Schwartz657067202
6Steven Brassard696370202
8Connor Brown666770203
9Paul Palazzolo666673205
10James Rearick677171209
11Clifford Kruse647176211
11Derek Sundstrom687073211
13Cris Shaikh697273214
14Bobby Cronin776974220
Round 1: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1G Ann Pian696061190$125
2Julia Roux716759197$74
2Kallie Howell676367197$74
4Caley Allen637166200$50
5Victoria Currier677064201$30
6Pamela Dugas667366205
7Christy Betit737264209
8Auralyn Mackenzie777166214
9Lisa Lundquest797771227
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Anna Blasiak656572202$130
2Sarah Pettengill677172210$110
3Emily Braun717172214$90
4Jacqueline Kirkpatrick737176220$65
5Charlotte Harding647287223$40
6Toni Marston766980225
7Juliann Polenchar797671226
8Laura MacDonald777378228
9Jessica Brisco778280239
10Kaidence Moore857877240
10Melissa Duer807486240
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Kate-Lin Dennis726580217
2Daiquiri Przybyla707378221
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Aedan Carey736464201
2Tayler Sylvain637174208
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