Winter Blaster presented by Dynamic Discs

PDGA logoSunday, January 8, 2023 at Blue Ribbon Pines in East Bethel, Minnesota
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Winter Blaster presented by Dynamic Discs graphic

About this tournament

The WINTER BLASTER Tradition Continues in 2023!!!!!

1 round of 27 holes for all the marbles!!!

Angie will be there and will have hot food/snacks/drinks for sale. Join us for what will surely be a fun winter event.

AMS will be paid out in Merch Credit to BRP Pro Shop

All major divisions are open but there needs to be at least 3 players to make a division, otherwise we may ask you to move up.

Refund policy

Twin Town Throwdown is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Any refund requests, including wait list refunds for those who don't get in will be honored less a $5 processing/wait list fee.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Chris Hall7878$213
2Chris Tourville8080$148
3Josh Miller8282$100
4Joe Ruff8383$69
4Ryan Sheldon8383$69
6Joshua Tuggle8686$45
7Tristan Lindgren8787
8Peter Atkins8989
9Gannon Olson9090
9Mitchel Jordan9090
9Paul Mattheisen9090
12Derek Peters9292
12Samuel Easty9292
14Romelo Florez9494
1Toad Nynas8686$118
2Scott Ryther9191$74
3Aaron Gulbranson9292$27
3Justin Wilcox9292$27
5Justin Hamilton9595
6Ray Jordan100100
1Thomas Como8484$181
2Alek Anderson8585$134
2Colton Thielman8585$134
4Steven Toso8686$108
5Alejandro Nunez8787$88
5Kody Rolfzen8787$88
7Samuel J Waller8888$71
8Andrew Ashton9090$53
8Blake Freeman9090$53
8Joshua Danderand9090$53
8RYAN LARUE9090$53
8Tyler Anderson9090$53
13Aaron Yanish9191$42
13Zach Klassen9191$42
15Danny Crockett9292$7
15Jason Michael Nance9292$7
15Joel Kristenson9292$7
15Scott McClure9292$7
15Simon Solin9292$7
20Holden Hagerman9393
20Winton Johnson9393
22Matt Mueggenberg9494
22Nolan Crockford9494
24Nick Fox9595
25Jon Mcclictick9696
26Luke Mago9797
27Jon Buck100100
27Riley Reding100100
29Daniel Bihrle102102
30Alex Schneider103103
31Travis J Beckers104104
32Matt Bohlman105105
33Blaise Gregory110110
1Chris Freeman8888$158
2Joshua Henry8989$107
2Larry Wright III8989$107
4Jason Mikle9090$80
5Joe Bennett9393$60
5Rick Cary9393$60
7Jeffrey "Jeffar" Rademacher9494$44
8Glen Holman9696$34
8Sky Davey9696$34
10Joe Stephens9797
10Shane Melton9797
10Tim Chapman9797
13Ryan Hewitt9999
14Chris “Smallz” Smolnicky100100
14Kurtis Hollar100100
16Jose Sprague102102
17Michael Wilson104104
18Josh St George114114
19Daryl LaTocha118118
1R Kuenzi9898$103
2Chris Brylski102102$65
3Andrew Datwyler106106$24
3Jimmy Beldon106106$24
5Chad Dykoski110110
6David Carlson114114
1Nick Benoit8282$102
2Ben Savageau8484$93
3Andrew Peterson8888$85
4Nicholas Kelly9191$78
5Rob Swanson9292$67
5Ryley Tennyson9292$67
5Wesley Larson9292$67
8Adam Zingleman9393$54
9Luke Haqq9494$47
10Alex VanderVegt9595$23
10Andy P Peterson9595$23
10Blake Gimbel9595$23
10Justin Runde9595$23
10Steivan Rude9595$23
15Calin Jacobs9696
15Quinn Hiller9696
18Ryan Fries9797
19Brandon Sagataw9999
20Mike Wherry101101
21Kirby Anderson103103
22David Chapman106106
23Scott Waara107107
24Tim Johnson112112
25Colton Tuominen-0
1Mark Nelson8989$83
2Steven Gabrielson8989$76
3Aeleeya Moua9292$71
4Matthew Lee9494$63
4Ryan Nichols9494$63
6Mason Johnson9595$47
6Sonenalinh Kounduangta9595$47
8Bret Walling9696$38
9Adam McColley9797$29
9Dan Thorson9797$29
11Christopher Humes9999
12Chaurli Moua101101
12Richard Mann101101
14Kyle Franseen104104
15Daniel Speece107107
16Aaron Brancamp108108
17Josh Borgmann109109
17Mason Ferguson109109
19Randy Paul114114
20Jacob Day115115
21Blake Iverson-0
1Mikayla Anderson107107$31
1Jenny Batten128128$42
2Leona Lindgren146146
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