West Coast Cup presented by Tanglewood Winery

PDGA logoSat-Sun, April 1-2, 2023 at Leprechaun Hollows in West Olive, Michigan
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

West Coast Cup presented by Tanglewood Winery graphic


Sponsorship ManagerRyan Kenny
Assistant TDBrent Steenstra
Assistant TDJosh Wood
Tournament DirectorJacob Arvidson

About this tournament

Thanks to our awesome sponsor: Tanglewood Winery. Visit them at https://tanglewoodwinery.com or stop by at 15811 Riley St in Holland

Come celebrate the 2023 season with a 2-day C-tier in Holland featuring three of the city's best courses: Shore Acres, Winstrom and Leprechaun Hollows.

Round 1 (Day 1): All divisions at Leprechaun Hollows
Round 2 (Day 1): All divisions at Winstrom (Longs)
Round 3 (Day 2): All divisions at Shore Acres (24 Holes - Black)

Shotgun start for Rounds 1 and 2. Tee times for Round 3 on Sunday.

Player packs will include a custom West Coast Cup disc.

The top third of each division will be paid out. All payouts will be in person at Shore Acres following the conclusion of Round 3.

Optional Ace Pool (all divisions in the same pot) and 50/50 CTP. There will be a 50/50 hole on each course with the winnings divided evenly between the three.

Leprechaun Hollows will be open for practice for tournament players from noon to 7pm on Friday, March 31 (day before the tournament).

Withdrawals and Refunds will be handled according to the PDGA rules. See rules in this link https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103

All refunds will be assessed a $10 handling fee.

Please email [email redacted] with any questions.

Refund policy

Leprechaun Hollows DGC is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/66223
1Adam Neumann575075
2Zac O'Heran605771
2Zack Swanson565676
4Jacob Hart556478
1David Kleiman566472
2Marc Carls626077
3Chris Heward636182
4Brad Ascherman706782
1Ted Lockett555873
2Josh Wood595473
3Sam O'Dell585677
4Tasi Forgwe596076
4Jason Rodriguez626271
6Jake Kammeraad655974
7Tim Stern566380
8Ethan Dams626375
8Ben Hovinga616079
10Jordan Brower646275
10Trent Vander Kuyl636375
10Brent Steenstra606378
10Troy Villarreal646077
14Ryan Kenny656275
15Kelsen Bluhm646079
16Greg Christie686574
16Kyle Dams695979
18Roman Corneanu726473
19Andres Gutierrez636584
20Charles McGovern726479
21Brandt VanHeest696783
1Ross Bosch626376
2Christian Dean606875
3Bailey McKellips636781
4Dustin Garrison706480
5Caleb Davis696680
5Trenton Newberry666881
7Will Ferris637384
7Alex Hoffman716881
7Ethan Pierce756283
10Chad Cole677480
11Steele Boonstra717485
12Anthony Beebe746891
13Chance Weaver817383
14Andrew Kliczko766697
15Casey Hofman67999-
1Sarah Stern776791
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