The Stampede 2024 Supported by Innova and Quirky Goodies

PDGA logoSat-Sun, June 29-30, 2024 at Stampede Reservoir in Truckee, California
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

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$7 from every registration will go towards STS and insurance fees
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Michael Medina    May 13 at 1:49pm

Hi Angela,

Please take me out of AM50, I'm in the wrong division, I signed up for AM60 and was # 5 on the list. I was in two places AM50 also AM60 ( I should have told you right away), I was taken out of AM60. Please put me back in AM60 because that's my age group and all the other STS tourney's I'm in AM60.
Thanks for all your doing.

Angela Dillon   May 13 at 3:50pm

I have put you into MA60. Right now you are on the waitlist but I will be able to have all who are on the waitlist right now play. Anyone past today will be in question but you will be able to play based on the time you were signed up.

Michael Medina   May 13 at 4:45pm

OK, thanks Angela, your awesome!

Justin Liddell    May 6 at 3:32am

Is there any way you'll be opening up a few extra spots for the MA40 division? I Currently on the wait list number 2 I heard this is the best Tahoe. Tournament of the year

Angela Dillon   May 6 at 6:01am

I am attempting to add all that I can but I cannot guarantee spots at this time. It is looking like I will be over the limit. I recommend everyone sign up that wants to play so that they are on the waitlist. I will be adjusting as the waitlist is completed so the sooner you sign up, the better the chance you will be in.

Ryan Morgan    April 27 at 6:00pm

Angela, I'd like to be added to the MA2 wait list if possible. (Signed up for MA1 as a spot was open, but we all know where I belong... lol. Thank you kindly.)

Angela Dillon   May 6 at 5:58am

You are currently MA2 now.

Jon Baker    April 25 at 4:53am

Angela - I would like to be added to a waitlist but see no waitlist option on the registration form. Hoping to get into MP50. Thanks.

Angela Dillon   April 25 at 6:16am

Not sure what happened but it should allow you to register and be added to the waitlist. Let me know if it does not work out and I will figure something out

Malum Nothis    April 23 at 6:48am

I've been trying to get on a wait-list for this event. Do you have any timeline for the remaining spots to be distributed for registration?

Billy Pierce   April 23 at 1:35pm

I was wondering the same as I would jump in the am40 if it was made available.

Angela Dillon   April 24 at 6:42am

I will most likely be adjusting closer to the event. More in the end of May or beginning of June. What I will do and have done in the past is allow all waitlist people to come as long as it does not go over 180. Last year I promoted close to 20 people two weeks before the event. I did not have to refund any players that were waitlisted. They all made it in last year.

Angela Dillon   April 24 at 6:43am

if you would like to compete, go ahead and register when you want and you will almost certainly get in.

Alan Krauth    April 20 at 7:18pm

Oh wait, one hot second. Is a current pdga membership REQUIRED to play this event? I can't pat extra and not be a current member?

Angela Dillon   April 22 at 7:33pm

Yes it is a requirement this year for all sanctioned events that all players be current. There is no possibility for a fee if not current. If you guys both become current I can add you for sure. There is still room.

Alan Krauth   April 25 at 11:43pm

Thank you for getting back to me. I unfortunately can't support the pdga so I will have to pass on this. Thanks again.

Alan Krauth    April 20 at 7:16pm

Hi my buddy and I are thinking of playing this and grabbing a camp site but before we spend that $ with reservations and such I wanted to ask if you would let me play in am 40 and Randy in am 50? If yes we will get signed up rite meow!


Schuyler Raine-Mustain    April 11 at 5:48am

Can I be moved to Am40 please! If anyone wants to split a sight, I have 147. Let me know!

Angela Dillon   April 11 at 6:34am

I changed you but you are waitlisted for now. There is a good chance you will play. I will make changes to add spots later as we get closer to the tournament.

Skot Meyer    March 31 at 4:37pm

Per the standards outlined for PDGA events, please revise your "About" info on your DG Scene sign up page to include any fees you are deducting (series fees, etc.).

You are currently in violation of the following requirement.

Tour Standards
To make it easier to provide a quality experience for all players, and to provide a baseline level of compensation for Tournament Directors, additional items will be added to pass-through fees that are subtracted from gross ... more

Angela Dillon   April 1 at 2:36am

Thank you for pointing me out but at this time it has not been revised due to being in Texas for the last two weeks because I nearly lost one of my greatest friends. When I return home and can better reflect what all I need to put in that section, I will revise it. Hopefully I will have it revised by the end of next week

Nancy Shillinger    March 30 at 1:29am

No FP50?

Angela Dillon   March 30 at 5:39pm

Not at this time. I may change that though because the pro women I have are FP50. Stay tuned

Deona Werth   March 31 at 3:49am

I would like that too

Tullin Valdez    March 22 at 2:48pm

Get your campsites reserved on the app today!!! My spot is as close to the course as you can get. Let’s do this!!!

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Angela Dillon   March 22 at 7:48pm

I still need to get a site. I may be contacting you shortly.

Fats Sonderfan   March 31 at 9:02pm

They're going pretty fast. There's about a dozen left that have availability both days.

Tullin Valdez   April 10 at 3:46am

Get on it people!