The Khmer Cup

PDGA logoSat-Sun, January 11-12, 2020 at Siem Reap DGC in Siem Reap, Cambodia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

The Khmer Cup graphic


Tournament DirectorJACOB NEFF
Co-TDPich Ban

About this tournament

There will be 2 rounds of 18. They will be on the 11-12th of January respectively. We will have a casual doubles on the 9th and practice on friday. We will have a children's round of 9 holes on friday the 10th(casual). If you have children then bring them and see how they stand up to the local kids. They have been tearing it up lately.

The Am's will play in the morning (10am) and the Pros will play in the afternoon(2pm).

Players meeting will be on the 10th at 5pm.

Practice anytime.

Refund policy

Siem Reap Disc Golf Course is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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