The 12th Annual Valdosta Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, November 19-20, 2022 at Freedom Park in Valdosta, Georgia
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

The 12th Annual Valdosta Open graphic
Added cash $1,000

About this tournament

This will be a 2 day PDGA sanctioned B-tier event. 1 round of 24 on Saturday and 1 round of 24 on Sunday with tee times. Early check-in on Friday the 12th from 2-6 pm at the course as well as random draw doubles at 3 ($5)

Players pack:
2 Premium Tournament Stamped Discs
A Prodigy Beanie
A Microfiber Towel
A Prodigy Mini Disc
A Prodigy Scorecard Pencil

Also there will be payouts provided via Disc Golf America who will be on site.

We will be using PDGA Live Scoring
Tournament Code: VO22

The course map and layout can be found in the photos section.

The tee assignments for the Valdosta Open will be as follows for both rounds:

Men's: Pro Open and Advanced = Blue pads

Men's Intermediate, Amateur Masters 40+, and Amateur Masters 50+ = White pads

Men's: Recreational = Red pads

Women's: Pro Open and Advanced= White pads

Women's: Intermediate and Recreational = Red pads

Refund policy

The Valdosta Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

PDGA Refund Policy
1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds

A. Players MUST email or phone their withdrawals to the Tournament Director only at the contact information posted for the tournament. Discussions with persons other than the Tournament Director, including other tournament staff, shall not be considered official.

B. Players who have paid MORE than a nominal waitlist fee of $10 to be on an event’s waitlist who do not get into the event, or who officially request to withdraw from the waitlist prior to the event’s published closure of registration and waitlist replacements (within one week is recommended), will receive a 100% cash refund minus the $10 waitlist fee. Waitlist players who ONLY paid a nominal non-refundable waitlist fee of $10 will not receive a refund.

C. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event at least 30 days before the start of the event will receive a 100% cash refund (minus up to a $10 handling fee).

D. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event 15 to 29 days before the start of the event will receive a 100% cash refund minus up to a $10 handling fee ONLY if their spot in the tournament is filled through either the waitlist or a walk-up entry (if offered). If the player’s spot is NOT filled, the TD has the choice to provide EITHER a 50% cash refund OR just the player’s pack the player would have received if they had attended (minus the cost of shipping). In the case of a player in a Pro division for an event without a Pro player pack worth at least 25% of the Entry Fee, the TD will provide the 50% cash refund.

E. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event within 14 days of the start of the event and prior to the event’s published closure of registration and waitlist replacements (within one week is recommended) will receive a 100% cash refund minus up to a $10 handling fee ONLY if their spot in the tournament is filled through either the waitlist or a walk-up entry (if offered). If the player’s spot is NOT filled, the TD has the choice to provide EITHER a 25% cash refund OR just the player’s pack they would have received if they had attended (minus the cost of shipping). In the case of a player in a Pro division for an event without a Pro player pack worth at least 25% of the Entry Fee, the TD will provide the 25% cash refund.

F. Players who do NOT officially request to withdraw from a registered spot playing in the event prior to the published closure of registration and waitlist replacements and don’t play (aka a no-show), forfeit their entry fee and do NOT receive a refund or player’s pack. (This does NOT apply to a waitlist player; see 1.03.B above.)

G. If a TD vacates an offered division due to a lack of registered players for the division (see 2.01.K), any player for that division that does not wish to move to a different division that they are eligible for, will be provided a full refund.



Final Results

PDGA results at
1Jacob Chesser7676
2Kaleb Skinner7777
3Matthew Brown8176
4Hunter Boeckman8378
5Andy Ragsdale8381
6Eli Harrell8184
7Wesley Jacobsen8880
8Alan Schutte8190
9James Brown8687
10Trevor Murphy8988
10Tyler Turnmeyer9384
12Dax Spriggs9396
1Mike Evans8389
2Luke Love8786
2Bryan Sanetti8885
4Grant Folsom9085
4Shane Montisano8788
6Evan Amstutz8988
6Thomas Eden9186
6Shawn Haskin8790
6Christian Paucar8691
10Josh Register8890
11Dustin Garner9191
12Christopher Musial9093
13Griffin Hunt9391
14Jason Hoover9396
15Marcus Stewart9797
1Justin Forsythe8386
2Webb Warren8987
3Ed Hammett8988
4Chris Clark8796
1Randy Limer8986
2Jeff Eden105103
1Justin Jones7980
2Tommy Cowart8186
3Ryan E Britt8286
4Mathew Melendez8289
5Lee Taylor8590
6Corey Speight9390
7Cody Russell9293
8Ben Clark110-
9Christopher Bennett-999
1A.J. Adams7680
2Kevin Phillips7384
3Michael Bennett7983
4DJ Edward8579
5Tony Diggs8283
5Adam Drake8580
7Matthew Prager8186
8Lance Rainey8583
9Keith Adams8683
10Clayton Castner8387
10Goose Withner8783
12Corey Johnson8587
12Jonathan Mello8686
14Justin Benavidez8786
14Sean Jacquillard8588
16Kevin Gibbs8887
16Charles Thompson II8887
18Simon Montesano8690
19Matt Rivera9186
20Scott Bryant8692
21Douglas Collins Jr9091
22Paul Childers9389
23Mikey Rainey10190
24Abel Ramirez111104
1Peyton Barnes8286
2Charles Thompson8586
3Roger Limer8389
4Eric Albury8693
4Matt Hoffman8693
6Chad Howell9786
7Andy Peck9394
7Joshua Stephens9889
9David Butler97102
1Amber Jones9290
2Trinity Bryant96107
3Kars Hoover99111
1Nikki Bowman110104
2Cadie Ryer110115
3Megan Hancock117110
4Michasia Dowdy130121
5Carol Ramirez137144
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