Summer Send-off Amateur Tournament

PDGA logoSaturday, September 17, 2022 at Sun Ray Park in Phoenix, Arizona
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Summer Send-off Amateur Tournament graphic

About this tournament

This is a C-tier PDGA-sanctioned event. The tournament will be in the morning so it's not deathly hot. 27 holes will be played.

Everyone will receive a disc. The rest of the 85% of the net entry fees will be paid out to the top 45% of players proportionally to how they rank in the tournament via gift cards to Chümba Discs.

Live Scoring will be active and avaibile!

We will have a CTP pot and an ACE pot and prizes will be awarded that same day.

Winner of each division will also receive a trophy.

Layout: First 9 will be main baskets, second 9 will use B Baskets, third 9 will use main baskets.

Refund policy

Chumba Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Greg Chance7070
2Jordan Carpenter7171
3Connor Howell7272
4Vincent K Vaisnor7878
5Jeremy Carlson8181
6Ben Yankovich8282
1Ryan Jones6464$75
2Nick Robertson7272$65
2Steve Gonzales7272$65
4Dalton Smith7474$55
4Jonathan Wah7474$55
6Xander Seal7575$40
7David Lizarraga7676$35
8Aaron Casillas7777$24
8Akshay Khadse7777$24
8Xavier Borowicz7777$24
11Ryan Rodd7878
12John Scheinpflug8181
12Philippe Leclair8181
14Alec Bergstrom8282
14Shawn Passmore8282
14Tim Lloyd8282
17Devin Howell8484
17Steven Ramirez8484
19Brody Schiefen8585
19Chance Clapper8585
21Kenny Price8888
22Shane Davis111111
1John Flores7575
2Dennis Price7979
3Cassidy Myrick8181
4Jason Mindeman8282
5Matthew Loos8585
5Michael McLaughlin8585
7Joe Valenzuela8686
7Kelynn Fleischman8686
7Mark Hall8686
10Weston Ress8787
11Matthew DeLaRosa8989
11Michael Ramirez8989
13Ron Tiley9393
14Danny Walden9494
15Adrian Cota9898
1Megan Walden9494
1Kristine McLean9999$21
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