Quail Creek Bash (SUDGA Series)
About this tournament
Welcome to the SUDGA Series: Quail Creek Bash at Quail Creek State Park in Hurricane, UT!
This PDGA C-tier is brought you by the Southern Utah Disc Golf Association.
This event will be a temporary 18 hole course set up at Quail Creek State Park. It will be a primitive course that plays up and down hills and on the beach of the reservoir. An updated map will be on UDisc. Carts are not recommended.
This is part of the SUDGA Series. For more information, visit the club's webpage sudga.org for more information.
-All standard PDGA rules in play
-Singles Play
-Two eighteen-hole rounds
-Scoring will be done digitally through pdga.com/score. You must have someone on your card with a smartphone to take scores. Your live scoring access code will be provided prior to the event using the email address provided.
As part of the points series to determine who the club champion in each division payouts will follow PDGA requirements (payouts/players pack are 85% of registration. The other 15% goes to the SUDGA Series).
Here ya go:
-AM players will compete for rank and a trophy.
-PRO players will compete for cash (paid via PayPal) and a trophy.
-All amateur division registrants will receive a $15 voucher to Infinite Discs St. George.
-SUDGA members will receive points based off rank
There is an optional $1 Closest to Pin, $1 Ace Pot, $5 Super Ace Pot. If an Ace isn’t hit this money rolls on to the next SUDGA Series event.
COVD-19 Precautions
This event will be in compliance with all local COVD-19 precautions, and you will be required to agree to the COVID-19 standards of the PDGA upon registering. Generally, please maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other players, refrain from touching each others' equipment as much as possible, and do not high-five during the round.
This PDGA C-tier is brought you by the Southern Utah Disc Golf Association.
This event will be a temporary 18 hole course set up at Quail Creek State Park. It will be a primitive course that plays up and down hills and on the beach of the reservoir. An updated map will be on UDisc. Carts are not recommended.
This is part of the SUDGA Series. For more information, visit the club's webpage sudga.org for more information.
-All standard PDGA rules in play
-Singles Play
-Two eighteen-hole rounds
-Scoring will be done digitally through pdga.com/score. You must have someone on your card with a smartphone to take scores. Your live scoring access code will be provided prior to the event using the email address provided.
As part of the points series to determine who the club champion in each division payouts will follow PDGA requirements (payouts/players pack are 85% of registration. The other 15% goes to the SUDGA Series).
Here ya go:
-AM players will compete for rank and a trophy.
-PRO players will compete for cash (paid via PayPal) and a trophy.
-All amateur division registrants will receive a $15 voucher to Infinite Discs St. George.
-SUDGA members will receive points based off rank
There is an optional $1 Closest to Pin, $1 Ace Pot, $5 Super Ace Pot. If an Ace isn’t hit this money rolls on to the next SUDGA Series event.
COVD-19 Precautions
This event will be in compliance with all local COVD-19 precautions, and you will be required to agree to the COVID-19 standards of the PDGA upon registering. Generally, please maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other players, refrain from touching each others' equipment as much as possible, and do not high-five during the round.
Refund policy
SUDGA - Southern Utah Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.