Pfrommer Woods Meltdown

PDGA logoSaturday, March 25, 2023 at Pfrommer Woods in Williamson, New York
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Pfrommer Woods Meltdown graphic

About this tournament

Kick off the spring season at Pfrommer Woods!

C tier
1 Round
Tee Times
Am Player Pack, MA1/FA1 merch payouts, trophy only other divisions
Pros $$$

Rolling Ace Pool - currently $920
$20 for first timers
$5 for those fully paid in
Check event pictures list for what you have already paid

$1000 for a single ace, split entire pool if multiple aces
Rolls over to next event if no aces

Layout to be determined based on course conditions
Please select your preference for 18 or 27 holes when registering

8-9am tee times will open if registration reaches 100 players
2-3pm tee times will open if registration reaches 120 players

Cards of less than 3 will be adjusted to closest available time

Divisions of less than 4 may be closed, and adjusted accordingly

Entry fee includes greens fee, parking fee, PDGA fee

Refund policy

Flying Mile Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

PDGA refund policy:


Pfrommer Woods
Williamson, NY   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Kyle Walker8080
2Derik Lisi8282
3Dan Traub8484
3Ryan Guiher8484
3Thomas R. Mariano8484
6Matthew Miller8585
6Tyler Tiede8585
8Stephen Bailey8686
9Mike Thomas8787
10Kyle Egan8888
11Luke Sakran8989
11Rob Murdock8989
13Carson Reber9090
13Justin Whitney9090
15Brad Hartstein9191
16Donald LaComba9292
17Zachary Smith9494
1Craig Ireland8484
1Edward Ziegenfuss8484
1Gary Egan8484
1Stephen J Schickler8484
5Bobby Jones8686
5James Egan8686
5Kevin Jacobs8686
5Tim Bayer8686
9Gary Crowley8888
10John Alloco8989
11Blane Egan9191
11Jason Jalonen9191
13Brian Best9393
14Eric Trippany9494
15Ryan Pittinaro9595
1William Johnson8484
2Aidan Robinson8686
3Douglas Urbino8787
3Ryan Bane8787
3Zachary Morrison8787
6Jared Gooding8888
6Malachi Schultz8888
6Matthew Cicatelli8888
9Andrew Behrens8989
9Jonathan Hall8989
9Justin Worboys8989
12Scott Diamond9090
13Matthew Strobel9292
14Max VanLiew9494
14Robert Hazen9494
16Adam Brennan9595
16Benjamin Best9595
16Jason Skoney9595
19Anthony Ludlow9797
19Chris Bull9797
19Christian Amering9797
19Jeffrey Wirth9797
23Matt Capone106106
1Ethan Snell9090
1Tim Bower9090
3Dan Willistein9191
3David Copp9191
3Jonathan Freitag9191
3Max Herzog9191
7Mike Flanigan9292
8Lamahr Sergent9393
8Tim Durham9393
10Drew Hoteling9494
10Lenny Kerznowski9494
10Oliver Kelley9494
13Jeffrey Hermenet9595
14Kevin Schlegel9696
14Rob DeMarco9696
14Sheldon Demarco Sr9696
17Aaron Boci9797
17Brandon Wilson9797
17Frank Carbone9797
20Andrew Gauvin9999
21Brandon ( The Hulk ) Demarco100100
22Mark Humphrey101101
23Anthony LaRocca102102
24Pat Hastings103103
25Kyle Rath104104
26Kevin Parker109109
27Garrett Quiel111111
28Jake Landean-0
1David Morris8787
2Chris Davies9090
3Patrick Maisel9191
4Devin J Sandon9393
5Kyle J Sanson9494
6James Avery9595
7Ben Casper9696
7Ethan Low9696
9Adam Humphrey9797
9Adam Torrens9797
9Jack Saia9797
12Travis Bonawitz9898
13Grant Van Dyke9999
13Peter Dasch9999
15Mike Wistie100100
16Andrew Garsin102102
16Anthony Mock102102
18Alexander Dean103103
18Brandon Dauenhauer103103
18Harry C103103
18Jay Kline103103
18Michael West103103
18Paul Greiten103103
18Ryan Swanson103103
25Josh Walker104104
26Eric Walter105105
26James Wilson105105
28Alan Overslaugh106106
28Kenneth Taylor106106
30Justin Kieber-King107107
30Tim Snell107107
32Ryan C111111
33Nicholas LeBarron112112
34Tim Duggan128128
35Anthony Scarson136136
1Heather Schlegel9696
2Amber Stout9999
3Erika Apple102102
4Jennifer Copp104104
5Wendy Courbat105105
6Janet Cranshaw106106
6Kris Winter106106
8Brianna Knight108108
9Barb Egan115115
1Jennifer Moore118118
2Dara Levy132132
1Martin Kohlmeier109109
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