ODGC Ice Bowl 2025 and Potluck

Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Larrimac Golf and Tennis Club in Chelsea, Quebec
Disc golf singles tournament

ODGC Ice Bowl 2025 and Potluck graphic


Tournament DirectorBen Svetkoff
Tournament DirectorGeoff Penton

About this tournament

This is a fundraising event for the Ottawa Food Bank.

The tournament will consist of 2 rounds of twelve holes. Each player will have 6 mulligans to use on the day.

If you tend to shoot under par, you may enjoy playing in the SUB ZERO division. If your scoring is more on the positive side of zero, then you'll have a great time in ABOVE FREEZING.

Check the Facebook link for an updated list of what is being brought to the potluck. If you are bringing a crockpot, bring an extension cord to power it. Each player should bring their own cutlery and plates.

Schedule for the day

09:00 am Registration opens
09:50 am Players meeting
10:00 am Round 1 start
12:00 pm Potluck lunch
01:30 pm Round 2 start

Prizes and trophies to be given out after round 2.

Refund policy

Ottawa Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Final Results

1David Beck353166
2Dietrich Sider333366
3Jarrod Ashton333467
4Athan Theodorlis343569
5Ben Svetkoff394180
6Jason Morrill404484
7James Morrill414586
1Brenda Cox394180
2Lisa Spencer4754101
3Dawn Pengelly--0
1Geoff Penton273259
2Chris Bourne293059
3Arthur Pengelly283260
4Jocob oosterhoff303161
5Markis Pigeon333265
6Mike McCormick333467
7Brian MacGillivray323769
7Serge Seguin333669
9Kyle Kilbride--0
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