N.U.D.G.A. Open
About this tournament
This is the new age for the Northern Utah Disc Golf Association. We still have a version of Riverpark that we are able to play. So to evolve we are going to do 2 rounds Saturday 10/14/23 at Riverpark. Then Sunday 10/15/23 we will be closing this tournament out at the home of the 2021 World championship course at the fort. All three rounds will be shotgun start so the field will be limited to 90 players. Make sure you are ready when registration opens.
Layouts for N.U.D.G.A. Open
Riverpark Saturday rounds all divisions will play from middle pads.
1 “long” only available position
2 right position
3 in the fort
4 right position
5 long
6 long
7 right
8 left
9 long by river
10 long
A only position
G only position
H long
I left
11 long
12 right
13 right
14 right
15 long
16 long
17 left
18 only spot
At The Fort Sunday and final round
1 gold
2 blue
3 blue
4 blue
5 blue
6 gold
7 blue
8 gold
9 blue
10 long
11 blue
12 blue
13 blue
14 blue long position
15 blue
16 gold
17 blue
18 blue
Layouts for N.U.D.G.A. Open
Riverpark Saturday rounds all divisions will play from middle pads.
1 “long” only available position
2 right position
3 in the fort
4 right position
5 long
6 long
7 right
8 left
9 long by river
10 long
A only position
G only position
H long
I left
11 long
12 right
13 right
14 right
15 long
16 long
17 left
18 only spot
At The Fort Sunday and final round
1 gold
2 blue
3 blue
4 blue
5 blue
6 gold
7 blue
8 gold
9 blue
10 long
11 blue
12 blue
13 blue
14 blue long position
15 blue
16 gold
17 blue
18 blue
Refund policy
NUDGA is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.