Next Gen - Showdown at Sunset

PDGA logoSaturday, June 1, 2019 at Sunset DGC in Gulf Breeze, Florida
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Next Gen - Showdown at Sunset graphic


Tournament DirectorRobert "Rec Rob" Hastings
Tour ManagerKolte Breck
DirectorDave Feldberg
Associate DirectorSynthya Feldberg

About this tournament

Sign ups have moved to

Players Package: "Players Choice"
NG limited run Disc, Sticker, Towel; Brand choice includes: Discraft, Innova, Latitude64, Legacy, Prodigy, MVP, Discmania, & Gateway!

All offered by PDGA

Tournament Payouts:
Standard PDGA scale payout. All online; via Infinite Discs store.

Regional/National Payouts:
All competitors eligible for Regional and National Payouts at year-end. All divisions; Payouts based on divisional size. Top 25% of each division paid. Total online payout projected at $50,000 in merchandise.

NG Exclusive = 4X point factor
(similar to PDGA method, 4 points for each player beat in division);
All points tabulated and reported after TD Submits results to PDGA (or Infinite/NG site if not PDGA).

All players who sign up for the Tournament after the 23rd will be charged a 5$ fee. This fee goes to shipping your players pack to your home address. Please please get signed up before the 23rd!

Players Pack Options:

Innova – INNfuse Shryke first half of season, then switches to Corvette
Discraft – Swirly Buzz with a $5 upgrade option for a McBeth Kong
Latitude 64 – Limited Recoil
MVP – Axiom Envy
Discmania – Limited run PD2
Legacy – Metal Flake Recluse
Gateway – Prophecy
Kastaplast – Gote
Infinite – Glow Sparkle Emperor

NG Exclusive & Premier Events will have payouts that meet the PDGA requirements. The payouts will be issued by NG through Infinite Discs once the results are posted by the Tournament Director on PDGA. The payout amounts will be dependent on player registration, the same as any other PDGA event. The payouts will be added to your Infinite account and can be redeemed at anytime. If a player wants to play multiple events and win multiple payouts and rack up their account balance, then that’s entirely up to them. Every competitor that plays in the NG Tour will have an Infinite Discs player profile. Infinite discs will also provide tracking for current points standings for the entire tour.

Website stats include:
Rankings on a National, Regional and State basis;
Individual player profile pages w stats
All regional/national year-end payouts

National Championship Invites: (93 total)
Top Competitor ranked by total points in each State (up to 50)
Top 5 (unique) Each Region (up to 35)
Top 8 Women Nationally

Per player course fees, when necessary, may be collected onsite or online, so long as its communicated clearly.

Refund policy

Rec Rob is responsible for all refunds/cancelations. No refunds after the 23rd of May 2019


Sunset DGC
Gulf Breeze, FL   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Long tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Long tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Scott Watson524597
2Auston Sisk4955104
2Harry Walker III5153104
4Bruce Daily5257109
5Daniel Cassidy5954113
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Webb Warren454792
2Ronnie Dingal4755102
3Octave Dealminana5251103
4Tommy Smith5351104
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Shaun Campbell474289
2Ben Lockhart474794
2Big Mike494594
2Blake Pinney484694
2Michael Morgan464894
6Josh Curtis465096
7Elliott Blake485098
8Clyde Martin5248100
9Jay Palewicz5053103
9Terrell Morris5152103
11Nickolas Johnson4956105
12Ben Claus5551106
12Josh Jones5056106
14Wyatt Creppel5256108
15Dio Florita5657113
16Eric Santose--0
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Jesse Clifton485098
2Brent Gann4952101
3Jason Stuntz5052102
4Cade Swanson5353106
5A.J. Gates5453107
6Chris Miller5256108
7Chris Henley5456110
7Daniel Whitehurst5456110
9Johnathan King5556111
9Paul Wiley5358111
11James Posey5658114
11Marshall Trotter5559114
13Henry Smith5362115
14Gary McFadden5858116
14Jason Noble5858116
16James Wagers5661117
17Jay Mack6061121
18Rhett Baxley5765122
19Don Braxton6065125
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Gabriella Broussard6258120
Round 1: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
Round 2: Sunset DGC - Short tees, 18 holes, par 54
1Aleacia Miller6665131
2Natasha Hastings--0
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