NADGT Premier: Hawaii State NADGT Championships @ Princeville Mauka Disc Golf Course, Kauai

PDGA logoSat-Sun, August 7-8, 2021 at Princeville Mauka DGC in Mauka, Kauai, Hawaii
Amateur B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

NADGT Premier: Hawaii State NADGT Championships @ Princeville Mauka Disc Golf Course, Kauai graphic


Tournament DirectorRyan Moen
NADGT Comm DirectorKyle Harrigan
CO-Tournament DirectorAlan Koons

About this tournament

2-Day Event with Tee Times. 18 each days.

Single Event Divisions offered:

Players Pack $120 Value
ONE Collard Polo Shirt
THREE discs
ONE Tube of Zanfel

Points for NADGT series:
Straight PDGA points for A-tiers
1.33x points for B-tiers Premiers


Scrip will be redeemable at online store

Trophy Pins:
Provided by Disc Golf Pins
1st place in eligible TOUR divisions will receive a trophy pin

Eligible for Nationals Invites
MA1, FA1, MA40, MA50+, MA2, FA2 FA40+, MJ18 and FJ18
MA3 will receive MA2 invites

Top Finishers Get invite to National Championships!

Invitations are based upon divisional participation

4 or less --> Winner only qualifies
5 or more Top 20% Qualify

Course Format:
MA1, MA2, MA40 play Gold Tees both days.
FA1, MA3, MA50, MJ18 play GOLD tees from all holes except for holes 8, 15, 17. Those are to be played from the RED tees.

Refund policy

National Amateur Disc Golf Tour is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
Refund request made prior to player packs being ordered (approximately 2 weeks) will be issued a 100% refund
Refund request made after player packs being ordered (approximately 2 weeks) will be issued a 90% refund
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