Myles Maple Mash

Saturday, June 28, 2025 at Myles Kimmerly in Traverse City (Maple City), Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

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Tournament DirectorDavid Skibowski
Tournament DirectorWayne Taghon

About this tournament

Northern Masters Doubles first event of the year. We are not a series, you do not have to be a PDGA member, you do not have to pre-pay, or pre-register, but sign up if you want to join us. You do have to be born in 1975 or earlier to play with us. We are a random draw doubles event. your entry fee includes the ace pool, and ctps. We also provide a wonderful afterglow and lunch. Thanks to Tilley's Party Store and Disc Golf. Come hitch your wagon to a lucky star!

Refund policy

Northern Masters Doubles is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
Online registration opens
April 29, 2025 at 8:00pm EDT
Follow this tournament for a 24-hour reminder


Myles Kimmerly
Traverse City (Maple City), MI   Get Directions


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Player Divisions & Entry Fees

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