Encore Brewing Presents Kootenay Up & Down Supported by Innova

PDGA logoSat-Sun, September 23-24, 2023 at Wycliffe Regional Park in Cranbrook, British Columbia
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Encore Brewing Presents Kootenay Up & Down Supported by Innova graphic
Added cash C$3,000

About this tournament

Everyone plays both Wycliffe and College on Saturday on shotgun starts, followed by everyone playing Wycliffe on tee times Sunday. Pool assignments as well as tee pad assignments will be determined closer to the event.

Heritage Inn is offering a tournament rate for rooms, players must call to get the rates and mention the tournament and/or CBKE rates.
250-489-4301, or toll free 1-888-888-4374

We have assigned temporary pools for waitlist purposes, these pools will most likely change when doing course assignments.

More info to come

Registration fees include: $2 park fee, $3 porta potty fee, $2 TD fee and $3 PDGA fee

Refund policy

East Kootenay Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
PDGA policy will be followed

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