Hoofin' It Up Open

Saturday, August 16, 2025 at Deerfield Park in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

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Tournament DirectorChristopher DeRosier
Team CaptainJacquelyn DeLude
Team Captain's HusbandChad DeLude

About this tournament

MBC Event #13
PDGA Sanctioned C Tier

2 rounds at Deerfield (1 on Deerfield and 1 on Wildwood) with an hour lunch break after last card finishes round 1.

All divisions are welcome! If you do not see the division you want to play, let us know and we will open it for registration.

We will be utilizing PDGA Live Scoring. The Live Scoring code will be posted at check in and announced during the Player’s Meeting. Your hole assignments for both rounds will be listed in the Live Scoring system as well as at the check in table. We will have paper score cards and pencils available.
REMINDER: Starting in 2024, all players MUST keep score according to the updated PDGA rule.

There will be no AM Players Packs; money will go towards payouts
$5 Ace Pool (optional buy-in); If no Ace is hit, the Ace Pool will roll over to the next MBC Tournament
$5 50/50 CTP (optional buy-in)

Trophies: If no players are signed up in a division 1 week prior to the tournament there will not be a trophy for that division

As always there will be drink stations, marking whiskers, brooms, and CTPs provided by our Sponsors for everyone.

1 Round on Wildwood Longs, Holes 1-18
1 Round on Deerfield Longs, Holes 1-18

All other divisions:
1 Round on Wildwood Shorts, Holes 1-18
1 Round on Deerfield Longs, Holes 1-18

Wildwood 14 - Road
Wildwood 17 - Road
Wildwood 18 – Pond and Road
Deerfield 13 – Pond
Deerfield 14 – Pond
Deerfield 18 – Road and Parking Lot

You must be completely surrounded by water and will receive a 1 stroke penalty. If your disc lands with any part of the disc touching land you are safe.

There will not be painted OB lines. If your card can not agree a provisional can always be played and discussed with a TD at the end of your round. All OB should be played from the last position in bounds or players have the option to Re-Tee. Either result in a penalty stroke.

Refund policy

My Boy Chris's Disc Golf Shop is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Deerfield Park
Mt. Pleasant, MI   Get Directions


Saturday, August 16, 2025
- 8:45am
Registration/Check In
- 8:50am
Players Meeting
9:05amTee Off For Round 1

Player Divisions & Entry Fees

$15 additional fee for players without current PDGA memberships.
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
$65.00MPOMixed Pro Open
$65.00FPOWomen's Pro Open
$65.00MP40Mixed Pro 40+
$65.00FP40Women's Pro 40+
$65.00MP50Mixed Pro 50+
$65.00FP50Women's Pro 50+
$50.00MA1Mixed Amateur 1
$50.00FA1Women's Amateur 1
$50.00MA40Mixed Amateur 40+
$50.00FA40Women's Amateur 40+
$50.00MA50Mixed Amateur 50+
$50.00FA50Women's Amateur 50+
$45.00MA2Mixed Amateur 2
$45.00FA2Women's Amateur 2
$40.00MA3Mixed Amateur 3
$40.00FA3Women's Amateur 3
$35.00MA4Mixed Amateur 4
$35.00FA4Women's Amateur 4
$15.00MJ18Mixed Junior 18
$15.00FJ18Girls' Junior 18
$15.00MJ15Mixed Junior 15
$15.00FJ15Girls' Junior 15
$15.00MJ12Mixed Junior 12
$15.00FJ12Girls' Junior 12
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