Hollows Fall Classic Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA logoFri-Sun, September 24-26, 2021 at The Hollows North in Manchester, New Hampshire
A-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Added cash $4,000


Tournament DirectorBill Bruce
Ass't. Tournament DirectorNorma Bruce
Ass't. Tournament DirectorKen Bovill

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2021 Hollows Fall Classic Sponsored by Dynamic Discs


Norma and I are working on bringing you the highest quality disc golf anywhere around. In the last 6 years, we have tried to rise to the occasion for each one of our tournaments and we expect this one to surpass them all.

There will be 3 days of disc golf on the 2 courses in Manchester, NH, The Hollows North, The Hollows South, and Birch Park in Amherst NH. Players will play 1 round per day on their assigned course and you will be assigned tee times for each day of play. The courses will be in short tee pad to long pin placements for Am players, and the Pros will play from long tee pads to long pin placement on the North Course and short tees to long pins on the South. Pro Divisions will not be playing Birch Park.

There will be a Mandatory Players Meeting on Thursday Evening at 7:00 PM at Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies, 373 S. Willow Street D 1-7 Manchester NH. Players Packs will be given at this time. This Meeting will be held outside in the parking lot. The meeting is very important and you are expected to make every effort to attend.

Field Events:

We are working very hard to make this tournament a must-attend for the entire New England Community. We will be adding field events including our Totem Pole. In the Totem Pole event, baskets will be stacked 4 high with cash to be won at each basket height. This is one of my favorites! We will also be having putting contests as well as a CTP driving contest. Play for free or pay and possibly win $$.


We will have a SUPER Raffle this year loaded with all kinds of DISC GOLF !!

All Amateur players will receive a player pack! (A nice one).


Pro Divisions will be paid out in cash prizes via PAYPal

Intermediate and Advanced Divisions will be paid out with winnings vouchers to Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies in Manchester NH just around the corner from the course. These vouchers can be used at all 3 of our retail locations in Manchester, Nashua and our Dover location at Bellamy Park Disc Golf Course. ALL RECREATION & JR. DIVISIONS - PLAYERS PACKS & TROPHY ONLY


Don't forget to use your PDGA card to help get discounts at local hotels. The LaQuinta Inn in Manchester NH is ready for you. There are campgrounds in the area as well. Feel free to reach out to us for any questions you might have.


Cactus Jacks & T-Bones Great American Grill
Great Northern Ale
Manchester Park, Recreation & Cemetery Department
Team Queen City
Gracie Jui Jitsu
Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies
Dynamic Discs
Morgan McGeehan Designs
Nashua Disc Golf
603 Smoke & Vape
Brady Sullivan Properties
Toyota of Nashua
Peniel Environment
The Rugged AXE
Chunky's Cinema Pub
Grip Equipment
Chamberlin Electric
Lafayette Press
Sparks Offices
Ultra Green Landscape
Wyndham Outdoor Landscape


We are looking for people who would like to help us make this event a success.
Please get in touch with Bill or Norma at Breakin Chains Disc Golf, 603-232-2261 or Email us at [email redacted]

Refund policy Breakin Chains Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.

Refund policy

Breakin Chains Disc Golf Supplies is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Birch Park
Amherst, NH   Get Directions

Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/47824
Round 1: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Christopher Parks535350156$1,800
2Cooper Legee535054157$900
2Gillis MacDougall525352157$900
2Shane Wyatt495256157$900
5Colby Foster555056161$450
5Samuel Henderson555254161$450
7Edwin Bedell555256163$350
8Nathan Vintinner565455165$300
9Josh DiBattista565457167$275
10Willie Douglas575556168$250
11Blake Kelly585556169$200
11Dylan Capaccioli575359169$200
11Josh Ocoin635353169$200
11Tucker Davis565657169$200
15Trevor Harbolt575657170$200
16Tyler Blanchet546058172$150
17Raivis Markons-Craig595361173$150
18Adam Abruzzi605658174$150
19Matthew Stolarz615856175$150
20Dylan Adjutant605858176
20Terry Belmosto615857176
22Daniel Zaleski585564177
22Joe Bishop585960177
24Jonathan Carlisle615958178
25David Galvin615663180
25Fred Lusky655956180
25Michael Byrne635760180
25Nicholas Papamichael605862180
25Reuben Hagen595962180
30Billy Crane636355181
30Matthew Allen606061181
30Tim Moyer625861181
33Brian Schweinhart616758186
33Jacob Roberge646260186
35Joshua Bilodeau625966187
36Ben Firsick666162189
37Zack Williams695764190
38Dean Squires Jr666067193
38Levi Lamoreau686263193
40Stephen Scansaroli596570194
41Cole Sawyer656865198
42Michael Skilton726069201
43Matthew Broderick706964203
44Alic Shorey57618881006
45John Folk64588881010
46Matthew Burnette7061-131
Round 1: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Jonathan Baldwin565753166$500
2Josh Connell605555170$300
3Gary Krebs615758176
4Scott Walsh655458177
5Jorge Ochoa646164189
Round 1: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Blaine Faulkner595355167$450
2Steve Heroux555958172$275
3Stephen Trottier666259187
3Steven Foster605869187
Round 1: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Long tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 59
1Jessica Beckett655764186$400
2Cassandra Lioi685767192$200
3Cheneille Young697674219
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Zachary Deraspe515252155$300
2Nathan Hoitt525553160$225
3Brian Boynton516051162$175
4Gregory Peterson555950164$150
5Nicholas Eori566050166$113
5Paul Adorno555754166$113
7Hayden Anastasio575952168$95
8Sean O'Connor595753169$90
9Adam Antinoro595853170$80
9Frank Wruk546155170$80
9John MacDonald575657170$80
12Miles Sayer555957171$68
12Nick Richter546156171$68
14James Olsen585856172$60
15Bryant Chamberlin615755173$53
15Jeff Loper575957173$53
17Ben Drogue575859174$45
18Christopher Kulig545962175$32
18Kevin Geisel625756175$32
18Ryan Dame605857175$32
18Trevor Howe606055175$32
22Andrew Barker596255176
22Frank Nick596255176
24Logan Galanes606354177
25Jay Provencher576358178
26Adam Baney576458179
26Chris Carlisle586160179
26Sean McGonagle586160179
26Timothy Artinian576161179
30Paul Sales645660180
30Stan Weed586359180
32John Kelley III655858181
32Vince Farruggio Jr616258181
34Joseph Murphy Jr626258182
34Matt Lemieux636059182
36Shawn Berube655761183
37Jeremy Jacobs576562184
38Michael Lund597059188
39Kyle Rondeau636761191
39Michael Dudczak626069191
39Ronald Rondeau656660191
42Charles Crudden646564193
43Andrew Montgomery597364196
44Joe McCarthy5967-126
45Andrew Leahy---0
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Tom Travison595756172$175
2Jeff Wesnofske536059172$125
3Kirk Higham556059174$90
3Micah Flynn556059174$90
5Vadim Frishman576356176$65
6Frederick Rehm606057177$50
7Hayes Sawyer566359178$50
8Lawrence McGonagle Jr596159179$50
9Steve Fraher596655180
10Patrick Harris596062181
11Mike Markey626258182
12Robert Harris536865186
13Dicky Smart606958187
13Jeremy Crusco646360187
15Stephen Sylvain616562188
16Bryan Foster606763190
17Derek Tippie646769200
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Mark Thatcher605968187$150
2Chris Geddis646065189$60
2Eric Jenkins596070189$60
2Richard Glidden606168189$60
5Jesse Breton606567192
6Mark Ross656365193
7Kevin Bell616971201
8Paul Bryant676773207
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Bob Testa656166192$100
2Bill Byrne656068193$60
3James Ogles646573202
4Walter Doolin677573215
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Egin Tollkuci585057165$250
2Stephen Garneau565260168$200
3Brandon Daugherty585556169$150
4Cody Manley585558171$125
5Ellis Boettger625160173$94
5Jonathan Chehoski565859173$94
5Nick Webster555563173$94
8Roger Allard595264175$90
9Brandon King575763177$90
10Landon Brooks605662178$85
10Patrick Day585862178$85
12Dylan Smith585863179$80
12Joe Polenchar585863179$80
14Cameron Foster576459180$75
14Michael Kelly625464180$75
16Gonzalo Torres-Nicola625762181$70
16Ryan Williams595963181$70
18Gregory Buscanera586163182$60
18Jesse Simons625862182$60
18Steve Thompson615962182$60
18Steven Loughlin566066182$60
22Kevin Gallant596361183$40
23Jared Bolduc575770184
23Keith Mackenzie655960184
23Marc Davis596560184
23Shane Leadbetter596164184
27Timothy Veltsos626360185
28Andrew Kaputa626659187
28Donald Bruce615769187
28Kristofer Duer686059187
31Joel Gomez646064188
32Eric Lawrence606168189
32Matthew Morse645768189
34Carlos Alvarado646265191
35Nate Frazier675570192
35Trevor Shaw616368192
37Ben Zukatis646564193
37George Ward656464193
39Brian Nahigian626469195
39Justin Corrigan636072195
41Jake Parr686365196
42Christopher Yeager616868197
42Jacob Kritzon705968197
44Jeff Lanouette616473198
45Corey Greenspan656570200
46Thomas Lull726272206
47Justin Ober716671208
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Ryan Manley585662176$80
2Neil Ruggiero595666181$70
3Jimmy Vieu596365187$60
4Steven Brassard656064189$53
4Tyler Pendleton586071189$53
6Brian Conroy576572194$45
7Cody Stanton636768198$40
7John Hollister656370198$40
9Michael Tran626770199$20
10Andrew Andrasik656571201
10Jay Yeager606378201
10Zachary Pavitt706368201
13David Kerr656374202
14Derek Chambers696967205
14Steve Abodeely686869205
14Tyler Clark686671205
17Bobby Cronin616483208
18Joseph Bruni707481225
19Derek Sundstrom747679229
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Kallie Howell636664193$75
2Caley Allen667066202$50
3Sarah Pettengill657069204
Round 1: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 3: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
1Jessica Brisco738276231$50
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Daphne Chen656565195$125
2Charlotte Harding646672202$100
3Sarah Pettengill676373203$75
4Lindsey Ruff617176208$50
5Jean Saunders726475211$25
6Amanda Borgman737077220
7Juliann Polenchar737279224
8Emily Braun757476225
9Laura MacDonald737677226
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Olivia Martin747079223$50
2Tammy Sylvain737686235$30
3Kate Froysa917795263
Round 1: Birch Park - Regular to Long, 18 holes, par 55
Round 2: The Hollows North - Short tees to Long pins, 18 holes, par 56
Round 3: The Hollows South - Short to Long, 18 holes, par 55
1Owen Hamilton525855165$60
2Tucker Sampson595359171$40
3Tayler Sylvain625765184
4Gavin MacLean666773206
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