Frosty Ironman challenge 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022 at Dallas City Park in Dallas, Oregon
Disc golf singles tournament

Frosty Ironman challenge 2022 graphic

About this tournament

Everyone is welcome to this unique event!!

The Frosty Ironman Challenge is a one disc tournament designed to challenge your skill using a single disc for all aspects of the game- Driving- upshots- and Putts

All players are allowed to play with one disc (of your choice) and a mini, minis are required.

2 rounds will be played. After the 1st round, you will be allowed to change to a different disc.

Every throw is thrown with your one chosen disc. No changing of discs in the middle of a round, unless a disc is declared lost, and appropriate penalties applied. You must have the same model of the disc to continue playing.

If the Chosen Disc is lost and a player needs to use a replacement disc, there is an additional two-stroke penalty applied. For example, if the Chosen Disc is lost on the drive, the next shot using the Replacement Disc is throwing for five.

Replacement Disc must be the same mold as the original Chosen Disc that was lost, but does not have to be the same type of plastic. For example, if the Chosen Disc was a Champion Firebird, the Replacement Disc must be a Firebird but can be Champion, Star, Etc.

If a player loses a disc and does not have a Replacement Disc of the same mold, or does not want to use one, that player can substitute any mold disc for an additional four-stroke penalty instead of the additional two-stroke penalty for using a Replacement Disc. For example, if the Chosen Disc was a firebird and lost on the drive and the player decides to use a Trespass going forward, the next shot is throwing for seven.

We will be giving away a Paratrooper bag for first place in the general division.
Ctp disc and a hot round disc are also up for grabs

Hole sponsorship available at 10 dollars apiece

Custom stamp disc molds are Lucid Sargent's full weight, Lucid sparkle justices, Opto compass 177+, Origio burst harps

Players pack will be a custom stamped disc and possibly other fun swag.
We have ordered only 50 event stamp discs but if we pass this we will have Capital City Disc golf club stock to make up the difference.

Refund policy
Capital City Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refund policy

Capital City Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.



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