Friday - 1 Round Flex @ TSP East

PDGA logoFriday, March 26, 2021 at Tyler State Park in Newtown, Pennsylvania
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament


Tournament DirectorJohn Birkrem
Tournament DirectorJohn McGinley

About this tournament

One PDGA rated round of 18 holes.
Ams will receive a disc. (Player choice from inventory - a few exceptions may apply - up to $18 value.) Balance of entry fee, after PDGA fees, $10, will go to payout in script. Winning script to be fulfilled by BRIA DIsc Golf, no need to wait around until the end. (Usable online or in their NJ store)
Pros will be paid via paypal.
We will play East which is expected to still be mostly or all A pins.
Threesomes minimum, foursomes at max, please and thank you.
We will allow walk ups for open tee spots, if the event is not filled as of online registration closing. Entry fee in cash day will $25, save money pay online.

2JP is covering the "+10" fee for all non PDGA current women. As always, Juniors never pay the "+10" fee. The "+10" fee ensures the participant is covered by the event insurance, a benefit of PDGA Membership.

Refund policy

Refunds will be handled according to PDGA rules:

Wait listed players will get a full refund if they are not off the wait list by March 26.

Two Johns Productions is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Cory Snyder5353$34
2Joshua Snyder5757
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Tony Tenaglia5252$34
2Austin Roud5959
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Chris Errico5151$30
1Mark Saraceno5151$30
3Nick Caputo5454$18
4Christian Wenner5555$14
5Shea Stevens5858$8
6Michael Gillies5959
6Thomas Baldowski5959
8Joel Prushan6060
9Chris Simon6262
10Eric Giuliano102102
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Ian Dietrich6262$20
2Stephen Holroyd6363
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Michael Kovalcik6060$28
2Scott Rayburn6262$20
3Barry Middleton6363$4
3Nathan Johnson6363$4
3Stanley Swartzentruber6363$4
6Devin McClain6565
Round 1: Tyler State Park - Tyler A Holes East, 18 holes, par 54
1Kyle Kaminskas5959
2Beau Kennedy8383
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