Final Friday Flex

PDGA logoFriday, December 30, 2022 at Alexander Park in Lawrenceville, Georgia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Final Friday Flex graphic

About this tournament

The Final Friday Flex will be a 1 round Flex Start PDGA sanctioned C-tier singles tournament of 18 holes at Alexander Park.

Cards must have 3 players, or will be combined as necessary.

Long Tees: MPO, FPO, MP40, MA1, & MA40

Mixed Tees: MA50, MA2, MA3, & FA1
(Mixed Layout= Odd Holes: Short Tees / Even Holes: Long Tees)

Short Tees: FA40, FA50, FA60, MA60, FA2, FA3, & MA4

Early registration (12/7) will be available for the Presenting Sponsor. The cost is $350 and includes logo or name on all event marketing. There is a limited number of these spots per PDGA rules, and will be available on a first come first serve basis.

Early registration (12/7) will be available for Hole Sponsors. The cost is $15 and will include name or graphic on a tee sign. There is a limited number of these spots per PDGA rules, and will be available on a first come first served basis.

General registration (12/9) will be for all players.

This tournament will be “Trophy Only” for AM players. Each AM player will receive a player’s pack of their choice valued at least at the registration fee. choices limited by available items

Free CTP on ALL Par 3 holes!!!

PRO Field may choose between Check or PayPal. If PayPal email varies from registration email, please inform TD prior to the end of the tournament.
40% of field be payed.

Ace Fund available for $3.
Ace Pot will be split If multiple aces are carded. If no aces are carded, Ace Pot will be donated. (Charity TBD)

There will be no Tiebreakers due to the flex start nature.

There will be no physical Trophies given out due to the flex start nature.

Waitlist will be a non refundable $5.
Waitlist will be used in order by pool, except when a certain division is needed for tee assignments. Division caps will be adjusted as needed.
Getting promoted from waitlist:
Over 7 days from the tournament: Players will have 48 hours to accept spot by completing registration if they are promoted.
Under 7 days from the tournament: Players will have 24 hours to accept spot by completing registration if they are promoted.
Under 24 hours from the tournament: Players must immediately accept spot by completing registration if they are promoted.

All cancellations after 12/23/2021 are subject to a minimum of a $5 fee. Players getting in off wait list will be limited to remaining player pack choices available, particularly on items with sizes.

Refund policy

Trainhopper Disc Golf, LLC is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Alexander Park
Lawrenceville, GA   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at
1James Burgess4343$75
2Hayden Kujala4949$45
3Daniel Powell5050
1Justin Wagstaff5050
1Tony Brackett5050
3Diego Libreros5252
3Josh Auer5252
5Nathan Maike5454
5Tyrell Dunn5454
7Colby Freeman5555
7Drew Dykes5555
7Justin Jones5555
7Marc Stampfli5555
7Reid Ausband5555
12Cam Jones5656
12Patrick Davidson5656
14Corey Nickles5757
15Brent Palmer5858
15Chuckbob Williams5858
17Jack Leckemby5959
17James Sterner5959
19Jacob Hendrickson6262
20Michael A Scholtens6363
1Carlos Monroy4949
2Jim Newell5555
3John Allison5757
3Keith Bombelyn5757
5Eric Hogue5858
5Keith Kabrhel5858
5Lincoln Griffin5858
5Peyton Stone5858
5Philip Duval5858
10Justin Thomas5959
11James Phillips6060
12Lucas Griffin6161
13Brian Gordon6262
14Michael Lloyd Sparks6565
15Eric Brown7171
1Rock Rockwell5252
2Robert Harrison5454
2Tony Giarrusso5454
4Mike Tomlinson5555
5Ron Vladick5858
6Jeff Paske6161
7Joe Costa6464
7Rob Attaway6464
9Robb Phillips7070
1Dale Hatcher5555
2Jim Harrington5757
3James Hogue7070
1Jack Hollis4646
2Sheldon Smith4747
3Josh Pehrson4848
4Travis Welch4949
5Josiah Renz5050
6Jon McDuffie5252
6Theodore Needham IV5252
6Wesley Ball5252
9Brent Osborne5353
9Christopher Schatz5353
9John Harper5353
9Mike Saville5353
9Trent Jones5353
14Colby Fralick5454
15Brandon Hayward5555
15Luke Richter5555
17Brodie Barton5656
17Josh Lepock5656
17Mark Goetzinger5656
17Ryan Eagleson5656
21Blake Jayroe5757
21Ethan Brown5757
21Justin Daman5757
24John Connel5858
24William Kener5858
26Nguyen Hoang5959
1Brandon Burton5252
1Edward Marzano5252
3Lee McMahan5353
3Ray Hughes5353
3Robert Williams III5353
6Clayton Vaught5454
6Veann Nguyen5454
8Chad Spearman5555
8Micah Morris5555
8Michael Medina5555
8Wayne Engeron5555
12Jeff Weber5656
12Jeremiah Bly5656
12Josh Underwood5656
12Robert Harvey5656
12Sorawit Siangjaeo5656
12William Smith5656
18John Donald Peters5757
18Nefi Castañeda5757
20Wilson Wise5858
21Barrett Sales5959
21Chris Scalzi5959
21Jacob Wright5959
21Morgan Brake5959
21Trent Powell5959
26Jordan Flores6060
26Justin Killillay6060
26Myron Petro6060
29Adam Broda6161
29Bryson Nobles6161
29David Wilde6161
29Tommy Donaldson6161
33Calan Freeman6262
34Jarvis Brown6363
34Jason Hicks6363
34Josh Saavedra6363
37Mickey Gregg6565
38Nevada Simmer6666
39Jaxon Bombelyn6767
40Nick Saavedra6868
41Lawson Griffin6969
42Bo Phillips7474
1DJ Wells5353
2Brad Tucker5555
2Brent Dimmel5555
2William Wiggins5555
5Michael Myers5656
5William Long5656
7Ryan Sullivan5757
8Adam Lazzari5959
8Aubrey Jones5959
8Nicholas D'Errico5959
11Jeff Miller6060
12Giovanni Marrero6262
13Hudson Saville6868
13Leland Griffin6868
15Joel Bishop7070
1Amber Jones5555
2MeSean Anderson5959
3Amber Hendrickson6161
3Shawn Smith6161
1Peggy Attaway6767
1Brandi Bombelyn6464
1Jenna Barton6464
3Maribeth Toney6767
1Isabelle Castañeda6262
2Shawn Griffin6363
3Brittani Jones6565
4Rebeca Renz6666
4Tara Parrington6666
6Hayden Harper7777
7Taylor Wiggins8080
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