Fear Lakes: Return of the Bogeyman (Glow Disc Golf)

Saturday, October 29, 2022 at Deer Lakes Park in Tarentum, Pennsylvania
Disc golf event

Fear Lakes: Return of the Bogeyman (Glow Disc Golf) graphic

About this tournament

Saturday, October 29th, 2022
Deer Lakes Disc Golf Course
Tarentum, PA 15084

Fear Lakes Glow Golf is back with more fear and more glow than ever before! This year we are excited to host a Pre-Tournament Party! Don't forget to dress up as costumes are highly encourages but not required!

Play with your friends by registering for the same starting hole!

Tournament/Party Center: Blue Gill Pavilion
Check In and Players Pack Pick Up 5pm-5:30pm
Pre-tourney Party! 5:30pm-6:45pm
Includes Costume Contest, Food, Drinks, Games and Prizes!
Short Players Meeting 6:45pm
Shotgun Start 7pm

Pro/Am/Women Divisions
- Pro/Am play White Tees
- Women play Red Tees

Trophies will be given for top 3 in each division.

There will be LED lights and glow tape available!
Feel free to bring your own as well.
Non-uv lights are highly discouraged.

Parking will be in the top lot by 7,8,9 only. The normal lot gate that leads to hole 1 will shut and locked. Enter at the next right up the main road.
There will be a sign at the normal entrance pointing the way, and the 7/8/9 entrance will be marked with glow sticks.

Refund policy

Camber Disc Golf Company is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

Round 1: Deer Lakes Park - White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 66
1Elias Fochler6161
2Andrew Heltsley6363
2Andy Fenlock6363
4Lawson Fisher6363
5Travis Adam Hufford6464
6Vince Mach6565
7John Buss6767
8Patrick Williams6868
9Benjamin Leskowat6969
10Josh McAfee6969
10Nate Pucci6969
12Dustin Smith7070
13Scott Day7070
14Dan Ziober7171
15Kevin Sulia7171
15Scott Summers7171
15Thomas William Stephenson7171
18Isaac Zielinski7272
19Andy Flemm7373
19David Davidson7373
21Garett Mount7575
22Ray Heltsley7575
23Charlie Houck7676
24Joshua Kennedy7676
24Michael Plumer7676
26Josh Young7777
26Mike Battista7777
26Trevor Krauchak7777
29Colter Ritsch7878
30Eric Driscoll7979
31Ryan McBride7979
31Todd Jakosh7979
33Brandon Oakes8080
33Gabriel Zielinski8080
35Zack Frazier8383
36Dave Heilman8484
37Mike Brammer8484
37Nick Reyes8484
39Michael Beck8888
40Brandon King8989
41Aaron Signer9191
42Benjamin Landin-0
42Josh Simpson-0
42Josh Skrip-0
42Nate Medsger-0
42Nolan Bennetti-0
Round 1: Deer Lakes Park - White tees (mid), 18 holes, par 66
1Matt Kennedy5757
2Dan Horwat6060
3Thomas Sears6161
4Luke Smith6262
5Pasquale Coppola6363
5Samuel Hockenberry6363
7Zach Dahm6464
8Michael Vasey6565
9Eden Gonano6666
10Ben Hoolahan6767
11Eric Nichols6868
12Matthew Burdy6969
13Cameron Weber7474
13J. Gary Dropcho7474
15Nate Langer7575
16Vinny Montanari7676
17Brian Anna-0
Round 1: Deer Lakes Park - Red tees (short), 18 holes, par 66
1Ginny Heltsley6767
2Ciara Krauchak7070
3Lea Vasey7979
4Katie Martin8181
4Rachelle Rankin8181
6Lisa Tirmenstein8383
7Jamie Simpson101101
8Kristie Westerlund107107
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