Eyes On The Prize - Riverpark basket fund raiser series. Event #1
About this tournament
NUDGA has created a 2010 Monthly schedule!!!
April 3rd will be the first of six tournaments designed to raise money to install new targets and collars at your course! (complete sched comming soon)
This is the first official post, you will see many details to come. This is a club wide effort. check back to see how you can contribute. Eyes on the Prize....18 PRO baskest owned and opertated by NUDGA!!
April 3rd will be the first of six tournaments designed to raise money to install new targets and collars at your course! (complete sched comming soon)
This is the first official post, you will see many details to come. This is a club wide effort. check back to see how you can contribute. Eyes on the Prize....18 PRO baskest owned and opertated by NUDGA!!