Disc Lovers Challenge
About this tournament
"You don't have to love each other, just the sport!"
This is a co-ed doubles tournament. As a woman in this sport it is very important for me to encourage women to get out and play. What better way to do that then get your wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters or even your mothers out to play this amazing sport we all love. In doing so, this will be a best shot doubles tournament for you to encourage more females (or males) to be introduced to this sport. Registration will begin at 8:30am, players meeting at 9:45am and t-off at 10am. We will play 2 rounds of 18 with a lunch break in between rounds. You will receive a players pack upon registration. Open and Masters divisions will play for cash, and all other divisions will play for awesome prizes. I am looking for sponsors too. $25 hole sponsor to get your name on a t-sign, $50 for 2 t-signs. $100 and you will be a GOLD sponsor, this will get you 2 t-signs, a banner and your name will be on any printed material. Contact me for any questions or if you would like to sponsor this event. (801) 668-2546 [email redacted]
This is a co-ed doubles tournament. As a woman in this sport it is very important for me to encourage women to get out and play. What better way to do that then get your wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters or even your mothers out to play this amazing sport we all love. In doing so, this will be a best shot doubles tournament for you to encourage more females (or males) to be introduced to this sport. Registration will begin at 8:30am, players meeting at 9:45am and t-off at 10am. We will play 2 rounds of 18 with a lunch break in between rounds. You will receive a players pack upon registration. Open and Masters divisions will play for cash, and all other divisions will play for awesome prizes. I am looking for sponsors too. $25 hole sponsor to get your name on a t-sign, $50 for 2 t-signs. $100 and you will be a GOLD sponsor, this will get you 2 t-signs, a banner and your name will be on any printed material. Contact me for any questions or if you would like to sponsor this event. (801) 668-2546 [email redacted]
Refund policy
NUDGA is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.