
PDGA logoSaturday, August 5, 2023 at Community Park in Channahon, Illinois
XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Channanigans graphic


Tournament DirectorAmy Laskowski
Tournament DirectorErin Havok

About this tournament

Channanigans is a one round unrated XC-tier event full of silly fun! You won’t want to miss this! Different Channanigans on every hole! Stay and hang out after, we will have lunch and play games!

You will be competing in uppers (FPO, FA1, FA2) lowers (FA3, FA4), and mixed (MPO, MA1, MA2, MA3, MA4) please register for your correct division. 3 trophies available for each division.
It’s anyone’s game to win, lose or have the most fun!

PDGA approved discs only.

Caddies welcome!

Layout will be 18 holes, practicing may or may not be beneficial.

Layout: (Channanigans subject to change)

1. Hula Hoop Mando: disc must go through the hula hoop mando, continue play until made through the hoop; no drop zone. Disc can pass through hoop from either side.
2. (CTP- ladies only) Switch it Up: switch bags with another player on your card, you can only throw the discs in the player’s bag you get.
3. (CTP- ladies only) CTT: all card mates must play from the drive closest to the tee.
4. Over 360° drive: all players must do THREE full 360° consecutive spins during their drive off the tee. Example: spin, spin, drive during final spin. :)
5. Cards choice: card mates choose the disc you throw off the tee; majority rules choice.
6. Let’s Roll: mandatory roller off the tee.
7. (CTP- everyone) Forehand: you must only use a forehand shot off the tee.
8. Bird Box: eyes closed/blindfold - for putts only.
9. Player 2: (cali rules) 2 tries for every shot; best shot = score for the hole
10. Opposite Hand: non dominant hand the entirety of the hole.
11. Color Me Pretty: draw one color from deck provided and all players can only throw discs of that color, if you don’t have that color in your bag you may borrow from other players if they agree, if they don’t agree to share you forfeit the hole taking par +5. Remember sharing is caring, unless you’re losing then I understand where you’re coming from… sabotage! Muahahah
12. Super Soaker: pour water over disc before your drive and throw wet disc, cannot dry disc off until after throw.
13. Putt for Dough: all players must use putter(s) the entirety of the hole.
14. Sabotage: each player gets one cancel to use on another player by saying “sabotage” and the player must redo their throw. Sabotages cannot be piggybacked on top of one already in use. Example, if I tell Erin “Sabotage” on the 60ft putt she made and she makes it again, someone else cannot “sabotage” her again.
15. Opposite disc hole: drive with putter, putt with driver. Mid can be used for midrange shot.
16. Piggyback: all players must play one shot from someone else’s lie, your choice. Only one per player. Every player must use a piggyback.
17. Bingo, Bango, Bongo: (points = stroke(s) deducted from overall score). Bingo Bango Bongo – there are 3 points available (per card). The player that throws the farthest off the tee is awarded a point (BINGO). The player that is closest to the basket on the second throw gets a point (BANGO). The first player to complete the hole gets a point (BONGO). After all players have thrown off the tee, the player furthest away from the basket throws next and so on.
18. Drive for Show: choose one of the provided costumes for your drive off the tee while your cardmates yell and cheer for you.. or at you. Photos and videos encouraged. ;)

All ties will be determined by a classic game of rock, paper, scissors.

Player Pack: a custom limited edition, screen-printed, signed and numbered tournament poster created by Michael Kerwin of Little Devil Creative Co., a commemorative enamel pin from and a deck of Ript Revenge so you can keep the Channanigans going!

$5 from each registration will go towards our fundraising efforts for Feather Frenzy.

Refund policy

Birdie Babes Women’s Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
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