Delaware USAMPC Beaver Branch Bracket

Sunday, July 24, 2022 at Beaver Branch - Private Course in Townsend, Delaware
Disc golf event

Delaware USAMPC Beaver Branch Bracket graphic

About this tournament

Going forward, tournament directors will have more control over the process of their bracket. The tournament directors will now purchase the USAMPC tournament package, regardless of the size of the local bracket. Each package will include eight Dynamic Discs Prime Moonshine Culprits, eight Latitude 64 Triple Burst Gold Ballista Pros, 1st, and 2nd place trophy discs, eight scorecards, eight pencils, $90 voucher for 1st place, $45 voucher for 2nd place, and a $100 voucher for the tournament director.

In 2022, Local TDs will be able to purchase up to 8 of the unreleased Westside Discs Moonshine Hatchet per bracket at $10 each. TDs are free to do as they please with these limited-edition discs, including selling them to participants or other local disc golfers.

There will not be a State Bracket this year. Instead, after each local bracket has a winner, those details will be submitted to the USAMPC Director by the local tournament director, who will then be in touch with the winner to give the information on how to proceed with attending the USAMPC National Championships in Emporia, Kansas.

For 2022, we will move USAMPC Singles back to the spring and move the USAMPC Doubles back to the fall. That has always been our intention. However, we flipped them around in 2021 since we had not hosted the USMAPC Doubles for over a year.

We will continue the 8-person local brackets. This reduction should help more Local Brackets fill quicker. We will determine the National Championship bracket size based on the number of participating players.

Only players who have won their Local Bracket or are attending in place of a Local Bracket winner who cannot participate will be eligible to compete in the Championship Bracket.

The top 8 players in the Championship Bracket will receive a prize package.

Players who qualify for the Championship Bracket will receive $200 Dynamic Discs store credit upon arrival in Emporia.

How it works:


Current PDGA member – All amateur disc golfers can play regardless of their rating. Professional disc golfers rated 969 or below as of the March 2022 PDGA rating update can play (based on the current PDGA policy, which allows professionals to play MA1 in amateur events). New members who do not have a current PDGA rating can also compete.

Non-current PDGA members – Disc golfers who have never been rated 970 or above.

Non-PDGA members – Disc golfers who are not current PDGA members and have never been PDGA members.


Local USAMPC Singles qualifier match play brackets will be held throughout the United States and Canada from March through August. A list of these events can be found on the website. Players that meet the qualifications described above can pay $55 to compete in one of these brackets. Please contact the TD to get more information on local details. TDs may hold the Local Qualifying Bracket over a few days or a period of a few weeks. The Local Qualifying Bracket TD will determine when the brackets need to be played. The $55 entry fee is a one-time cost.


Players will receive a Dynamic Discs Prime Moonshine Culprit and Latitude 64 Triple Burst Gold Ballista Pro in their player pack. There are no additional entry fees for bracket winners after the $55 Local Qualifying Bracket fee. The winners of each Local Bracket will earn their right to go to the Championship Bracket in Emporia, Kansas from (Dates, TBD)

Championship Bracket

All players who win their Local Bracket can compete in the Championship Bracket in Emporia. If the winner is unable to participate, the TD will offer the spot to the 2nd place finisher from that Local Bracket, then to the 3rd place finisher if the 2nd place finisher cannot attend, and so forth. In addition, each player who comes to compete in the Championship Bracket will receive $200 in store credit upon arriving in Emporia, Kansas.

The number of bracket champions that come to Emporia will determine the Championship Bracket size. If we do not have a full bracket, there may be byes during the first round.


Local Qualifying Brackets – March 15th – August 30th, 2022

Championship Bracket in Emporia, Kansas – September 22nd-24th, 2022

Refund policy

As stated by the USAMPC information there are no refunds. You will receive a player pack and opportunity to compete in the bracket.


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