Atlanta Disc Golf Organization Membership 2021

Friday, December 31, 2021 at Perkerson Park in Atlanta, Georgia
Club Membership

Atlanta Disc Golf Organization Membership 2021 graphic

About this tournament

2021 Membership for the Atlanta Disc Golf Organization and its Affiliate Clubs will open on December 22nd, 2020 at Noon EST.

All dues for 2021 will go back 100% to the affiliate club of your choosing.

2021 Members Benefits:

Eligibility to sign up for the Atlanta Area Bag Tag Challenge League.

$5 Discount on PDGA Membership along with other discounts at participating retailers. Please send a message to either Donald or Adam to obtain your Discount Code for renewing or joining the PDGA for 2020. (

ADGO Affiliate Clubs for 2020:

(ADGO) General Membership
(AWDGO) Atlanta Disc Golf Women's Division
(CDGC) Carrollton Disc Golf Club
(CDGO) Cherokee Disc Golf Organization
(DDGC) Douglas Disc Golf Club
(FCDGC) Fayette County Disc Golf Club
(FCDGO) Forsyth County Disc Golf Organization
(HDGC) Henry Disc Golf Club
(IADGC) Intown Atlanta Disc Golf Club
(RDGC) Roswell Disc Golf Club

The Atlanta Disc Golf Organization (ADGO) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Disc Golf in the Metro Atlanta area and the surrounding communities by providing leadership, communication, and support in all aspects of Disc Golf along with the best practices of sportsmanship, ethics, and standards of competition as established by the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA).

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Refund policy

Atlanta Disc Golf Organization is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.
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